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A time for Reflection.

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

You can't help but have noticed that there is an awful lot of posts on Facebook at the moment, heralding the arrival of a Full Moon on December 12th. This full moon, also known as The Long Nights moon, Moon before Yule or Cold Moon is particularly important as it is the last Full Moon of the year and of the decade. But what is all the fuss about and what should you do? In this weeks blog, we look in a little more deeper about Full Moons in general as well as this particular one and I also share some ideas on rituals to celebrate this wonderful event.

So what is a Full Moon? Well every 28-30 days, the universe invites us to take a pause and ask ourselves what we’re manifesting in our lives. It does this through the arrival of the monthly full moon. The moon phases begin with the new moon, which is a symbol of new beginnings. This magical phase provides a reset where goals are renewed, desires are set, and new intentions are made. It ends with the Full Moon—meaning the end of the lunar cycle and this is a time for reflection, almost as if the universe is telling us to slow down for a few days to learn more about the path we are on and make changes if needed.

Since Full Moons symbolise endings it is the perfect time to get a little reflective and rather than jumping onto the next new thing, focus on what you have done, where you have been and how you have spent the most recent lunar cycle. It is a time to release what no longer serves you and revel in calm for a brief moment, saving your energy for the next new moon.

The full moon is a powerful time to connect with yourself, raise your vibration and turbo charge all of your desires with love and appreciation.

Full Moon Ritual

A full moon ritual is simply connecting with yourself, your guides, nature,and of course the Universe. It is a time of celebration, gratitude and releasing. The full moon is the most powerful energetic phase of the moon and is a time of manifestation and releasing pent up energy and blockages. Anything you are feeling or doing will be amplified by the energy of the full moon, so be intentional about what you want to bring into your life! Your rituals should be tailored to suit you and are an entirely personal experience. Here I offer you my suggestions, but remember it's all about what feels right for you!!

1. Cleanse your space - As with any ritual you do, begin with your quiet and sacred space. If you haven't set up your alter space as yet and are not sure where to get started, check out my blog . The next step is to ground yourself and prepare. The way I like to ground myself is to first become still and then take in a few deep breaths. Next, using either a sage bundle or palo santo stick energetically clear yourself and your space.It is also lovely to light a candle, put some relaxing music on in the background and place any crystals that you are called to closer to yourself.


Release + forgive

Address any blocks you’re currently feeling. Think about what you’ve experienced in the last two weeks, and even better, write it down. Write freely and allow yourself the space to just release what’s on your heart and mind. Next, write down specifically what you are ready to release and let go of, and then write down who or what you are ready to forgive.

Then you fold this paper up and burn it, visualise the smoke going up to the moon, taking this burden off of your shoulders. Feel the lightness of having it gone.

3. Amplify gratitude

Since the full moon will amplify whatever energy you put out, this is a powerful time to express appreciation for all that is going well in your life. Write down as many things you can think of that you’re grateful for. If it’s hard to think of something, just start small.

4. Charge your tools

Spiritual tools that carry their own energetic frequency and vibration absorb your energy and the energy around them throughout the month. Gather all your crystals, divination tools and any other sacred items and take them outside for a moon bath. Depending on where you live and the current weather conditions, place them where they will not be damaged. A windowsill that gets direct moon light is perfectly fine if you can’t get your items out under the moon.

5. Energetically renew + release

Water is symbolic of cleansing and recharging. Run a hot bath and place any salts or oils you feel called to put in. I personally love Epsom Salts because it physically and energetically cleanses you. Light candles around your bath. Allow yourself to submerge into the dark and stillness, connecting back to the spiritual realm and yourself. Visualise this water recharging you after everything you’ve released tonight.

Finally, this is my favourite Full Moon Mantra, complete your Ritual with these words.....

Wishing you a fabulous Full Moon.

Light and Love

Sharon x x x



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