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Who knows Best?

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

What is it that convinces us that everyone around us knows more about us than ourselves? Why do we feel so compelled to look externally when we feel uncertain about what to do in our own lives? Why do we think that someone else will know what is best for us?

"Social proofing" is a well known psychological concept and occurs as a result of our natural desire to fit in and do the "right" thing. We are driven by the belief that everyone else has a better grasp of what to do, what to think and how to behave.

But of course, this idea is fundamentally flawed. We are all unique, we all have different needs and a different purpose so how can anyone else really know what is right for us? When we look to others for the answers, the reality is all we are getting is their perception based on their own experiences, needs and agendas. This doesn't mean that in most cases the advice they are giving is not coming from a good place (although not always the case) but more simply that they cannot possibly know us as well as we know ourselves.

Our intuition is the voice of our inner guidance (our soul), it will always be coming from a place of what is best for us. It's only agenda is to guide us along our own path. If we routinely ignore or disregard our intuition, looking to others to direct us, we are effectively telling ourselves that we don't trust or believe in our own ability to manage our life. We are giving away our power and creating a disconnect from our true self.

That's not to say that we shouldn't be open to listening and learning from others. Sharing of knowledge is a vital part of living. But when we blindly follow what others say, thinking rather than feeling, we are very rarely going to find success. The key is to take the information and then connect to our own inner feeling. Check in to see what if anything feels right to us and if it doesn't then don't do it.

Recognising that all of the answers are within yourself is one of the most important elements of living an intuitive life. Having the confidence to trust and believe in yourself and connecting with your body to recognise the subtle indicators it gives you will allow you to live a life that is authentically yours. Remember no-one knows you better than you know yourself.

Love and light

Sharon x x



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