I have been asked a few times over the last weeks about how to go about setting up a Meditation space and whether its necessary, so I thought I would share with you my thoughts. The first thing to say is that it is not imperative that you set up a dedicated space, however the purpose of Meditation is to allow you the time to set aside life’s distractions and having a space that is quiet and distraction-free can help usher you into this sacred time and allow your entire mind, body, and spirit to relax and be present. When you step into that space, you release the stress and tension of your life and seek clarify, unity, and awareness. Having said all that, you don't need a separate room or even a dedicated space. You can just as easily choose a special box or basket that contains everything you need for your meditation which can then be transported to any space you choose to use. Whatever suits your lifestyle and personal choice is fine.
For most people, its not practical to dedicate a whole room specifically for meditation and instead opt to dedicate a space within their home. Look around your home and identify a space that resonates with you and offers a sense of stillness and peace, its also a good idea to think about when you are most likely to want to meditate. If, like me. you have a busy household, selecting a room which is constantly used by the rest of the family throughout the day and night might not be the best idea for an uninterrupted Meditation session : ) For best results it is a good idea if you can sit in the same space each day. The familiarity will help you build and stabilize your practice. After a while, many people find their mind begins to relax as soon as they enter their meditation space.
Wherever you have chosen, it is important to ensure that you define the boundaries of your sacred space—physically and energetically. Physically, the most effective way to do this is by creating an alter, not only does this define the purpose of the space but it also allows you to create a focus for your meditations and display items which form part of your practice. Let everyone within your household know about this special place and explain when and how you will be using it as well as asking for their respect in not touching or moving your objects. Once you have your space set up, offer prayers of gratitude and protection over the space. To do this, focus your intention on gratitude—on the fact that you are able to create a space where you can meditate and connect with your Higher Power. Then, ask for protection over your space, that you might be able to meditate safely and peacefully. Claim that this is a sacred space where negativity and evil have no place. Ask that the space be defined instead by comfort and belonging, allowing your mind, body, and spirit to rest and connect in peace.
Now comes the fun bit! Its time to get your creative on and decorate your Alter. Again it is really important to know that there are no hard and fast rules to what you do or don't have within your space, nor do you need to spend a ton of money. Your alter and indeed your space need to represent you and what is important to you and you will find that over time your space will change and grow as you develop your practice. Here is a list of just a few of the items you might want to include........
Oil diffuser / burner
Bells/ singing bowls
Fresh flowers
Meditation cushion
Decorative items such as feathers, stones, shells, pebbles
Inspiring Quotes
Oracle/Tarot Cards...........etc,etc,etc
Really, you can include on your altar anything you wish. Just make sure you design it the way you would like it, not the way you think it “should” look.
I hope you have found this blog informative and that you might have been inspired to create your own space.
Love and Light