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The 7 Selves and how we block them.

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

I am frequently asked what the connection is between my work with Chakras and Intuitive Living and the answer is simple, energy! Intuitive living is fundamentally about the practice of tuning into our own bodies energies and recognising how our thoughts, words and actions impact on the flow. In this way we begin to understand the concept of balance and blocks and how we can effect them.

Intuitive living is all about "self". Its the empowerment we all have within us to achieve and sustain balance in our lives. Each of our 7 main chakras is represented by one of our "selves" which combined create our whole. Intuitive living encourages us to connect with the positive vibrations of these energies, the energy of love.

When we experience imbalances in one or more of the chakras, it is the vibration of fear that effects us. Fear occurs as a result of past traumas, limiting beliefs and societal pressures and is responsible for all the negative emotions that we experience. Fear is connected to the past and the future and is a bi product of that which we cannot control, When we actively embrace an intuitive life, we are connected only to the present moment and the vibration of love.

Here I have explained a little more of each of the 7 Selves and what blocks them.

Self Supporting - Root

Self supporting is acknowledging our ability to recognise and meet our own needs. To be able to create our own stability and security in a way that feels right to us. It's about recognising that we always have a choice and feeling empowered to take control of those choices and choose how we show up in our own life. When we feel that we have no choices, we disempower ourselves and become dependant on others to create our sense of security. However being self supporting does not mean that we need to push others away or resist the need to ask for help or support. The importance is to love yourself enough to recognise when it is necessary rather than feeling it is always required.

Self Honouring - Sacral

Let's be clear, Honouring yourself is not selfish! Its the simple act of listening to your needs and what feels right for you and acting on them. You say "no" to the things that don't feel right and "yes" to the things that do- even if others are saying you are wrong or should be doing something different. You say "yes" to yourself. By saying yes to your needs, your health and your well being, you are showing your body that you are honouring it, that it matters to you and that you love and accept it. Honouring ourselves is not about having everything we want but it is about not denying ourselves the things we need to create pleasure and joy in our life.

Self Valuing - Solar Plexus

When we truly value something, we not only recognise it as important but more so we appreciate its qualities and take steps to nurture and maintain it. We let go of the need for comparison as we recognise our worth as an individual. It is having pride and confidence in who you are, believing in your own capabilities and recognising and embracing your strengths and weaknesses that make up the whole of you. Self valuing is not about placing ourselves as being more important that anyone or anything else but it is about recognising that we all have equal importance and that we must never put ourselves or our needs at the bottom of the pile.

Self Validation - Heart

Self validation is accepting our own internal experiences, thoughts and feelings just as they are without the need to justify them. It's letting go of the need to rely on others to make us feel good about ourselves or validate our emotions. Instead we take responsibility for validating ourselves, for being our own best friend and cheerleader. We show kindness and compassion towards ourselves, we accept our flaws as well as our success and efforts, we acknowledge our feelings and needs. Self validation doesn't mean that we can't continue to enjoy praise and recognition from others or that we should become so self absorbed we are unable to recognise the joy of receiving it, instead it's about not needing it to validate yourself.

Self Expression - Throat

Self expression is at its core expressing yourself in a way that represents your true personality- your authentic self. It's how we embrace who we are. Self expression comes from a variety of different forms including, what we say, what we do, what we wear, how we act and how we feel. Self expression comes from fully knowing who you are and being comfortable and confident in your own skin. When we suppress who we really are to please others or to fit in, we are denying our authentic self. Self expression is not a licence to do or say whatever we please regardless of the consequences but we should also never feel forced to confirm or comply with rules, regulations or ideals of others when they simply don't connect with our authentic self.

Self Direction - Third Eye

Self direction is recognising our ability to choose or direct our own course through life. Its about trusting in our inner knowing and feeling confident in following our intuition regardless of external forces. Self direction allows us to navigate our way using our own internal compass, connecting with what truly feels right and not right for us. When we are self directing we are able to listen and respect other peoples opinions and experiences without feeling the need to disregard our own.

Self connection - Crown

Self connection is our ability to be attentive and attuned to what is going on inside of you and to know who you truly are on every level, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Its our ability to understand what makes us tick, to recognise our strengths and weaknesses and most importantly our purpose in this life. When you are self connected, you are not defined by your past or reliant on the future. Self connection is about being connected to the present moment and loving the life you have created.



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