Before we begin, it's important for me to remind you that when we are talking about Masculine and Feminine energies, we are not referring to the gender split of male and female as we recognise it in the physical world. As far as energies go, just like every being in nature, we are all a glorious, harmonious mix of both energies regardless of our sex. So as you are reading this article, please do let go of any of the stereotypical views of men and women, they simply don't apply here!
Our Chakra energy centres work with the combined energy forces of both the feminine and the masculine. When working to balance the chakra energy centres, the key is to achieve a balance between the masculine and feminine energies within the body. However, each of the chakras is more associated with one energy than the other. The Root (1st), Solar Plexus (3rd) and Throat (5th) chakra sit more within the masculine energy and the Sacral (2nd), Heart (4th) and Third Eye (6th) sit more within the feminine energy. The 7th Chakra, the Crown is the combination of both divine energies. The female (Yin) energy is about being, acceptance and receiving while the Masculine energy (Yang) is about doing, go-getting, and giving. When reading the chakras, we are able to determine whether the chakra is sitting more in the masculine or feminine energy by the direction of the spin.
When it comes to imbalances within any of the chakras, whether it be under-active or over-active energy, understanding and working with the masculine and feminine energy principles can greatly benefit and simplify the process.
For example, knowing that the Root Chakra sits more within the masculine energy, then an imbalance in the Root Centre would indicate either an excessive amount of masculine energy, or a deficiency in feminine energy. So in this case, to restore the balance to an over-active root chakra, we would want to work with the feminine energies and qualities of the root chakra. To restore balance to an under-active root chakra, one would want to work with the masculine energies and qualities.
To understand this further, it is helpful to understand the key traits of each of the energy types.
The Divine Masculine energy embodies the following positive key traits:
Active, alert and in the moment,
Takes initiative, likes to lead, and bring change,
Confident and secure in themselves, willing to take risks,
Disciplined, structured and able to manage things well,
Bold and courageous, able to take charge in situations.
When your masculine energy is out of balance:
Pushy, cold-hearted or dominating,
Relationships are unconnected and practical.
Low self-esteem and lack of confidence,
Scared, feeling unsafe in the world, aloof,
Confused, lacking in direction or clarity,
Procrastinating, afraid to take action.
The Divine Feminine energy embodies the following characteristics:
Soft, nurturing and gentle,
In tune with physical body and emotions,
Willingness to receive love and to give love freely.
Expressive and non-judgmental.
Easy-going, in the flow and able to surrender,
Secure in yourself and able to love generously.
When your feminine energy is out of balance:
Over-giving and overcompensating in relationships, people pleasing and lacking boundaries,
Self-opinionated, unable to accept change,
Overly active and unable to just ‘be’,
Heavily identified with own emotions and as a consequence getting carried away by them,
Neediness and self-doubt, demanding love because you feel unworthy,
Jealous of what another gets, not believing you’re worthy of receiving,
When looking at how the feminine and masculine energies are presenting themselves within our chakras, it is important to remember what each of the main responsibilities both physical and emotional are.
Root - Survival, stability, ambition, self-sufficiency.
Sacral - Desires, creativity, sensuality, self-worth.
Solar Plexus - Energy, emotions, confidence, will power.
Heart - love, attachment, compassion, trust.
Throat- Expression, communication, inspiration, faith.
Third Eye - Intelligence, intuition, insight, self-knowledge.
Crown - Spirituality, enlightenment, connection, consciousness.
Through comparing the main responsibilities if each chakra and comparing that with the emotional traits of the masculine and feminine energies, we can begin to build a picture of where are energetic flow is positioned and work to address imbalances.
If you would like more information on the services I provide relating to Chakra Reading and Balancing, please check out my website https://soulpurposewantage.wixsite.com/website/blank-page-6
Love and light
Sharon x x x