I am often asked why I chose to study Past Life Regression and how that fits with my work as a Chakra Practitioner and so this week, I thought I would explain how these 2 powerful healing modalities work together.
So lets start with some chakra basics. Each of our chakras has a number of layers, I often like to compare it to an onion. Each of the layers holds the energies of any trauma or emotional blocks that have occurred. The most outer layer is where we hold any current blocks, things that have happened in our most recent history. Generally when I do a chakra reading, it is this layer that I am initially tapping into and so it will reflect what is currently going on in our lives. We refer to these as "Surface wounds".
As we move deeper into the layers we reach the "Inner wounds". these relate to those events and experiences that have occurred from our childhood, adolescence and into adulthood. Our chakras each have a 7 year development cycle starting from the moment we are born and events and experiences that occurred during this important period which create blocks are stored within this layer.
Finally as we reach the very centre of the chakra, we find what are known as "Core wounds". These core wounds relate to our Past Life Experiences. Our souls have often reincarnated many times before and during these lifetimes it is possible that emotional wounds from that life can be held within our chakras memory. These blocks can continue to impact on our current life, creating issues within our physical and emotional well being.
Of course the challenge here is that unlike the other layers, we are not able to easily pinpoint the root of the issue, which is why a Past Life Regression session can provide us with important information to assist in healing the past traumas and releasing ourselves from the energetic blocks that may be holding us back in this lifetime. Revisiting previous lifetimes helps to pinpoint the issues that arose by enabling you to recall the source of the problems, the emotions involved as well as the events that led up to the issue. We are also able to understand the way in which we can initiate the healing required, to release this energy.
But how do we determine whether a block has been caused by a Past Life? It's important to pay attention to how you feel NOW. Do you often experience deja-vu feelings? Unexplained pain in your body or have a severe phobia without a known cause? Are there repeating patterns in your life? Is there something interfering in your current life in a negative way that you can't identify as relating to your previous experiences? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then it is highly possible that you have energetic blocks as a result of a past life experience.
If you would like to find out more about a Past Life Regression session, please visit my website https://soulpurposewantage.wixsite.com/website/blank-page-6 or get in touch with me directly and I would be delighted to have a chat.
Love and light
Sharon x x