We all recognise the importance of keeping our physical body in tip top condition but keeping our Energetic body (our aura and chakras) clear, clean and protected is just as important as this can have a huge impact on our overall physical and mental well being. With a few simple self care techniques, you can restore the harmonious flow of energy by inviting self-kindness and a loving awareness and starting a dialogue with your body to heal and restore your energies daily.

We all have busy lives and often self-care is last on the list. Every day our energies are affected by so many factors, our environment, other people, our own vibration. If left unattended, this negative energy build up can contribute to both physical and emotional issues. Chakra self -care doesn't need to be complicated and can easily be built into your daily routine. The most important thing is consistency, creating a habit. In the same way as you brush your teeth or take a shower, caring for your chakras should be a daily "must" Here I will share with you the simple but effective practices I use on a daily and weekly basis to keep my chakras in tip top condition and as a special treat check out the "special offer" at the end of this blog.

Morning Rituals to kick start your day....
No matter what you have ahead of you, kickstart your day with some Chakra love starting with an energising and cleansing shower. Having water run down the top of your head and along your back not only helps to open up your chakras, it also raises your vibration and energises your soul. It can also help stimulate your creativity, no wonder we often have our best ideas in the shower!! Add an extra hit of natures magic by adding a shower bag packed full of cleansing salts, gorgeous herbs and essential oils to awaken your senses. They are super easy to make, all you need is a small organza bag, 4 tbsp of Himalayan Salt, a mix of herbs (my current favourites are Fennel, Lavender, Sage and Rose petals, 1 tsp of each) and 4-5 drops of your chosen essential oil (I love using Lavender). Pop all the ingredients into the organza bag, secure, hang from your shower head, ensuring that the water falls onto the bag and enjoy all those heavenly scents.
You can also try a lovely little "Chakra Shower Meditation", this is my favourite one.
As you allow the water to wash over you, repeat the following mantra- “I cleanse myself so I may feel light, peaceful and at ease.” Keep repeating this mantra as you wash your body.
As you rinse off the soap, visualise all of the negative energy or energy that is no longer yours to keep going down the drain.
Next, take your hand and make a flicking motion around the entire outside of your body, cleansing away any final lingering energy.
Stand under the water one more time, close your eyes and visualize the water forming a protective golden white light all around your body. See the white light in your minds eye and take three deep breaths before opening your eyes.

Time is often one of the biggest stumbling blocks, so all of these routines can be incorporated into your normal daily routine. This next one, literally takes 3 minutes and can be done while you wait for the kettle to boil for your morning cuppa! I love this practice as it really helps you to connect fully with your chakras, as well as calling in all the beautiful energies from Universe and Earth. Coupled with some powerful affirmations to really get that vibe high!!! And of course if you combine it with a gorgeous cup of herbal tea you are on to a winner! If you would like to learn this gorgeous routine, check out my Instagram page over the coming weeks when I will be posting a video showing you how to do this lovely little routine.

Have you ever wished you had a beautiful bubble to protect your energy? Well you can and more importantly you should! Remember that every person, place, situation we encounter throughout our day brings with it its own energy and sometimes that energy may not be positive. A protection bubble can help you protect your aura, chakras and energy from lower vibrations, keeping your good vibe safe and your energy centres protected. White light is the most powerful colour to work with as it is made up of a combination of all the colours on the spectrum and is pure in form. Once again this doesn't require a load of complicated rituals, just a few moments and some great intention is all you need. I like to do this just before I leave the house each day in the same way as you would grab your phone, keys and handbag, pick up your protection bubble at the same time.
Close your eyes and imagine that as you inhale, you are breathing in a swirl of white light that is all around you.
As you exhale, this swirl of light wraps around your body, it falls and begins to settle down by your feet.
Each time you inhale, imagine swirling light coming in. Each time you exhale, imagine the swirling light draping all around your body.
This light is the source of your protective shield.
Watch the colour of this stream of light change now, to become a glittery white and watch as it beams and wraps all around your body, forming a bubble.
Take a final deep breath and exhale knowing that you are held and protected within this beautiful bubble of white light.
When you’re ready, open your eyes.

Evening ritual to clear the day.
So your day is done and its time for bed! But before you jump under the duvet, it's important to cleanse your energy again and shake off any residual low vibe stuff you might have picked up from the day. Again there are many, many rituals that you can use to do this, however in my efforts to keep it simple, one of the best things you can do is a quick energy cleanse. There are a number of different options you can choose for this and it really comes down to personal preference. You can choose to use a smudge stick or Palo Santo stick. First set your intention to let go of any negative energy or that which no longer serves you. Then light your smudge stick. Once lit, start at your feet on the left hand side and work your way up the outline of your body, not forgetting to go along your arm and down to your fingers. Once you reach the top of your head, repeat the process but this time coming down your right side, all the way down to your feet. Next come up the front of your body in the centre from your feet to the top of your head and then down the back. If you have chosen to use Palo Santo instead the process is exactly the same.
If Smudge sticks are not your thing or if you are worried about burning something just before bed time, another fabulous idea ( and my personal favourite) is to use an Aura cleansing spray.

Aura cleansing using a cleansing spray is quick, easy and smells divine. You can choose your spray using your intuition, there are no hard and fast rules about what will and won't work. What is important is the intention you have when using it, My current favourite is Lavender and Fennel.
Just like the smudge stick this can be done just before you go to bed, but of course the beauty of the sprays is that you can also use them throughout the day. As before, set your intention to clear away any negative energies or those that no longer serve you. Spray the mist into the air around 2- 3cm in front of you and then slowly walk forward allowing the mist to fall onto your aura. Simple as that!

Another quick tip for your night time routine for all you crystal lovers out there is Black Tourmaline. This is the perfect stone to have next to your bed or under your pillow. Not only is it incredibly grounding, but it also helps to release any negative energies that you may still be holding onto from throughout the day. If you have any electronics such as phones etc in your bedroom, it will also protect you from the electromagnetic energies that these throw out (all the best thing you can do is not have them in your bedroom) and finally it works to purify your chakras and aura throughout the night, easing you into a deep sleep so it can get to work on those frequencies.
Once a week top up...

Your daily rituals are the perfect way to keep your chakras cleansed and clear, but once a week, why not indulge in a bit of "me" time and give them a deep cleanse. Schedule some time where you wont be disturbed and run yourself a beautiful cleansing bath. Use simple Himalayan salt or for a real treat combine it with some gorgeous herbs and essential oils. Light some candles, pop on some relaxing music and soak away. This is the perfect time to focus on your breathing and do some gentle mindfulness, engaging in the present moment and utilising all of your senses. Before you get out of the bath, take out the plug but remain in the bath. As the water drains away, visualise any negative energies disappearing down the plug hole, consciously let go and release any negative emotions and allow the water to carry them away. After you have finished your bath this is the perfect time, to lay down perhaps with a beautiful Himalayan Salt lamp on and take the time to re-energise your whole body. I use a gorgeous meditation called "Running Energy". If you would like to hear a recording of this meditation, click here.
And so there you have it, some simple routines to keep your chakras cleansed, clear and running smoothly. If you are interested in any of the products featured in this article, they are all available in my on line shop, "The Little Shop of Soul" and I have included links, so please do check them out.
Of course, good chakra hygiene is important to maintain the health and well being of your energies but it is always a good idea to start off with a sound base. So if you are new to the world of Chakras or if you just feel that you would benefit from a deep cleansing to get you off on the right foot, I have a very special offer for November. If you would like to find out more information visit my website or to book email me at soulpurposewantage@gmail.com or give me a call on 07780336078.
Usual price £40, November special £ 32.00. The offer is for a Full Chakra Balance which can only be done face to face at my home in Chipping Norton. Please note this offer is not available to be used in conjunction with any other offers. Appointments are limited and will be done on a first come first served basis, so please book early to avoid disappointment as the diary does fill up very quickly.
