Most of us are familiar with the term "Soul Mate". In popular culture, the term is generally used to describe a romantic relationship, a union of complete harmony and bliss. However, this is only one example of a Soul Connection.
The term soul connection is used to describe when two people feel they are linked on a soul level in a significant or extraordinary way and that what brought you together was something much bigger than just a chance encounter. Often you will feel as if you have known this person forever, maybe in a past life or even that there was some form of contract made between you to reconnect in another life.
Its important to note that although there are a number of different soul connection types, one person can fulfill a number of these roles. The key is that at the heart of this relationship is your soul purpose and their appearance in your life will be to assist you on your journey.
So what are the soul connection types?
Past Life Soul Mates.
These connections are as a result of having known this person in a previous life. Often when souls come back together in this lifetime they are looking to heal something or do better this time around.
2. Soul Partners.
These are souls that you agreed to partner with in this life to help support you emotionally, professionally, or in any other way you require to accomplish and experience what your soul planned to do here on earth.
3. Karmic Soul Partners.
Karmic soul partners come into our lives to facilitate change either through positive, negative, or neutral interactions to improve how we operate in our lives and the world in order that we can grow and evolve.
4. Soul Ties.
A soul tie connection describes a feeling that this person has come into your life for a specific purpose. Often these are shorter term connections and once the lesson has been learnt or the change effected, the relationship will come to a natural end.
5. Soul Contracts.
Soul contract connections are agreements you made on a soul level with this person to do certain things in this lifetime. These contracts can be renegotiated, so if you're in a toxic situation, leave or change the dynamic to a healthier one.Knowing if you have a soul contract around something or someone in your life is all about learning to follow your intuition.
6.Soul Teacher
A Soul Teacher comes into your life via divine timing to assist you with important life lessons.
7. Twin Flames
This is an intense soul connection, and many believe twin flames are actually one soul that was split into two bodies. Twin flames can love, challenge, teach, and heal each other in a unique, powerful way.
Each of these connections has its own experience and you may encounter many different ones throughout your lifetime. However it is important to recognise that there are three main ways a Soul Connection can come into our lives, and that is: For a Reason, For a Season or for a Lifetime.
For a Reason
This is to meet a need that has been expressed in your life. This can be for guidance, assistance through difficult times, support, or simply as a presence for you physically, emotionally or spiritually. This connection will be generally for a relatively short period of time and once the reason has been completed the relationship will come to a natural end.
For a Season
Similar to "For a Reason", these connections come to facilitate growth and learning. They may appear at a moment when we need to overcome our fears of vulnerability or to effect a change within our lives be that emotionally, physically or spiritually. Regardless of the reason, these connections are again only seasonal and leave once their gift has passed on.
For a Lifetime
Lifetime relationships are generally only Twin Soul connections. They teach us lessons that are so deep that they require a lifetime of growth with the other.
The strengths of one person are used to strengthen the other, and the harmony between both is so peaceful and works so well that they often last a lifetime. These relationships are very rare and precious.