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What to expect from a Chakra Reading......

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

If you are reading this, chances are that you are already intrigued (or at least have a passing interest) in the idea of a Chakra Reading and that you have started to understand the potential correlation between these spinning energy wheels and your overall health and well being.

Just in case you're not sure, Chakras are the spiritual energy centres within the human body. There are seven main Chakras positioned along the spine, and through the neck and the crown of your head. Literally speaking, the word “chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “wheel” or “disk,”. Chakras have the responsibility of taking in, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels.

If you are nodding your head and you feel that there is a deeper mind-body connection worth exploring then a chakra reading might be a useful tool for you in your quest to increase and improve your overall health and wellbeing.

If this is your first foray into the wonderful world of Chakras, then all you need to come with is an open mind and a willingness to learn. The purpose of a Chakra Reading is to establish how your Chakras are operating and whether they are open, blocked or imbalanced. From here we aim to identify possible causes of any imbalances or blockages and discuss ways in which these might be tackled.

Getting Started.

We begin the session with you getting comfortable and relaxed. Generally you will be laid on a therapy couch but if you prefer you can remain seated. The primary aim here is that you are fully relaxed. The more relaxed you are, the more present you’ll stay, and the more accurate your energy level readings will be. I will then sage the area around both of us to remove from the space any outside energy we may have brought in.

For the reading, I use a clear quartz crystal pendulum because it is known as a ‘master healer’ crystal that can absorb, store, release and regulate energy, it reflects the whole colour spectrum and works well with all of the seven chakras. I will cleanse the pendulum with essential oils before starting to ensure that it doesn't hold energy from previous clients and to ensure that I can get as clear a reading as possible on each chakra.

The Reading.

In order to do the reading, I will hold the crystal over each chakra, one at a time, and all I need you to do is close your eyes and relax while we allow the crystal to work its magic. The crystal will begin to move in different ways depending on what’s going on with that specific energy centre of your body. If that specific chakra is open, the pendulum will move clockwise. If it’s imbalanced (meaning you’re currently processing something or something is moving through you), it will move counter-clockwise. If your chakra is blocked, the pendulum won’t move at all. I will start with the Root Chakra and move up from there. Each chakra is influenced by the one below it. However, that’s not to say that if your root chakra is imbalanced or blocked, all others will be as well. It’s simply a tool to inform us why some imbalances might come up and often can give a greater understanding into where the issues may lay.

Next Steps.

After allowing time for the crystal to spin or steady itself, I will explain to you whether each chakra was open, blocked or imbalanced. This will also be recorded down for you to take away with you. Next I will ask you a few questions about why that might be. Be ready to ask yourself – and answer if you feel inclined – what the underlying reasons behind what each chakra energy is telling you. What is very important to remember is that the reading is very much based on the present and is representative of what is going on in your life now. From there I will give you some practical suggestions for ways in which you can bring more balance and harmony to the Chakras affected.

What will a Chakra Reading do for you?

Well firstly, it is a seriously relaxing experience so you should leave feeling relaxed and refreshed. You will also have a clearer understanding of your Chakra system and some lovely ways to work with your Chakras at home.

If you are ready to book your first Chakra reading , then please do get in touch. The session lasts approx 1 hour and costs £25.00. You will also receive a £10.00 voucher off a Full Chakra Balance session.

To book your reading, please email me at soulpurposewantage@gmail,com or give me a call on 07780336078.



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