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What's your Intention?

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

"Intention", just one word but wow does it pack a punch! If you have ever tried working with crystals, meditating, manifesting, self love or any of the other myriad of spiritual tools and found that the result has been less than what you were hoping for then "Intention" may be your problem.

Many people confuse having an intention with having a goal but there are some significant differences. A goal focuses on the future, whilst an intention is based in the present moment. A goal is a destination or a specific achievement, whereas intentions are lived every day. Finally a goal is an external achievement but an intention is about a relationship with yourself and others. Having goals is great, they can motivate you to strive, achieve and improve but they can also create feelings of unrest and a sense of dissatisfaction with your present situation, especially if you are struggling to achieve them. Intentions on the other hand, are much different. Living with intention allows you to be how you want to be in the moment regardless of success or failure. Intentions can help you to achieve your goals but allow you to enjoy the journey, not just the destination. Intentions, in fact go way deeper than simply setting a goal. When you master them, they can be a powerful tool to boost your inner strength and can be the key to unlocking a lifelong habit of positive empowerment. After all, an intention is something you mean to do.

But is simply having an intention enough? To understand this, I like to use a comparison to the "Fire triangle". To create a fire, you need 3 elements; heat, oxygen and fuel. If you take any one of these elements away, the fire simply goes out. Working with intention is exactly the same, as I have demonstrated in the picture to the right. To create our "fire" or our intention, we need 3 elements; thoughts, words and actions. In the same way as the fire, if one of these things is not aligned, then hey presto our intention simply goes out.

So how can we apply this to say for example, self - love? Lets start at the beginning, you've read all the books, gone on the courses and you are now ready to make that empowered change and live your life with self -love. In an ideal world, you will be thinking in a positive way about yourself, embracing self worth, self confidence, self esteem and all the other positive selves (THOUGHTS). You will speak about yourself always kindly and with compassion and use positive and empowering affirmations (WORDS). You will take care of yourself, mind, body and soul with good food, plenty of sleep, meditation and doing things that bring you true joy (ACTIONS). Doing all of this, is living day to day, in the present moment with the intention of self-love.

But, and this is a big BUT! Just like the fire triangle, if even one of these things is removed or doesn't align with the others then we are quickly going to find that our intention flame just fizzles out. We are all familiar with the saying "talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk" and this really effectively sums up what I am saying here. It is not enough just to say the right things, if we don't fully connect with the thinking, if inside we are still allowing that negative self talk to convince us that we are not good enough or if we are not taking care of ourselves and demonstrating self love on a daily basis, if we aren't instilling and sticking to healthy boundaries, protecting our energies and all of the other important ways we practice self love then we are not fully connecting with our intention.

So there we have it, setting intentions is a powerful and empowering tool. When we combine the energy of our thoughts, words and actions and bring them into alignment, our intention can be a truly magical tool enabling you to make a shift and embrace a positive perspective. Wherever you are wanting to bring about change, setting your intention and fully connecting and committing to it will create the reality you desire.

Love and light

Sharon x x x



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