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What's the block?

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

If you are familiar with Chakras, then chances are you have heard the the term "block", but what does this actually mean, what are they and more importantly what can you do about them? In this post, I am going to share with you my perspective of energetic blocks and why it is so important that we not only recognise them but also that we empower ourselves to release them.

Let's start at the beginning, each of our chakras rotate through the flow of energy, both our own internal energy and of course the energy we absorb from our external environment. When our chakras are in balance, this energy flows smoothly allowing each of the wheels to turn and work in harmony with the chakra above and below. We feel at peace, connected and balanced. However when we experience a block in one or more of our chakras, our energy becomes affected and we can quickly experience issues in both our physical and our emotional well being.

But how do these blocks occur? Blocks occur as a result of traumatic events and experiences

The memory of such incidents is stored within our chakras blueprint creating disruption in the flow of energy. I liken it to a vinyl record that has been scratched; you place the needle on the record and it begins to spin and play the music, when the needle hits the scratch, the music jumps. And of course the more you play that record, the deeper the scratch becomes ingrained and it is the same with our chakras. Once the first "wound" has been imprinted within our chakras memory, every repeat similar experience deepens the block.

These blocks can occur from a number of sources. The first and most simple to deal with are "Surface wounds". These are the everyday events that happen to us as we move through our day, negative energies that we pick up from people, places and incidents. Providing we follow a routine of daily cleansing of our energy and regularly balancing our chakras, this type of wound will not become an issue. However if we allow this energy to build up within our system, it can quickly lead to bigger problems.

The most common type of wound and the one that creates significant issues for us all are "inner" wounds. . These are the energetic blocks that often prevent us from moving forward in our lives and

keep us stuck in a pattern of behaviour that can be destructive to our overall well being. These inner blocks are created from our experiences from birth and throughout our childhood and beyond. Whilst we are born with our chakras in place, each of our chakras go through a 7 year development cycle, starting with the Root from 1-7, the Sacral from 8 - 14 and so on. During this crucial time of development, any negative experiences that we have, no matter how seemingly minor, create a memory pattern within that chakra which then influences the way we view our world moving forward. One of the most common misconceptions, I encounter when talking to people about the need to do this kind of work is that they had a wonderful childhood and so therefore couldn't have encountered these wounds. The reality is you do not have to have experienced significant trauma (and of course it is all relative anyway) to have developed blocks, the only difference is that they may not be as obvious!

The final blocks can be found deep in the centre of our chakra and are probably the most tricky to identify. These wounds are connected to our Past Life experiences, in the same way as the inner blocks are created, these blocks are as a result of traumatic events from the lives our soul has previously undertaken. Although more difficult to identify, these blocks can present themselves in patterns of behaviour that cause us to be prevented from moving forward in various aspects of our life or create limiting beliefs or negative responses for things that we cannot explain.

If you have read this far and are thinking this is all doom and gloom, it certainly isn't! We can all make the decision to release these blocks and empower ourselves to move forward. Dependant on the type of block, the process can often be easy and relatively painless. The first step is to recognise the need to make change and to recognise that you do indeed have the power to do this. I have been through this process myself and it was my experience that prompted me to create my Chakra Healing Program . This program supports you to identify the origin of the block within each chakra and then through a 5 step process, release the block creating positive and sustained change. If you would like to find out more about the program, you can visit the website or of course drop me an email or give me a call.

Love and light

Sharon x x



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