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The sense of Chakras.

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

Senses allow us to observe and understand the world around us, to gather important information that our brain then interprets to help us navigate our life. But did you also know that each of our chakras also relates to one of our physical senses? Knowing which sense connects to which chakra opens up a whole world of fabulous ways that you can use your senses to heal and invigorate your power centres.

So lets start at the Root, your most primal chakra, responsible for our sense of survival and meeting our most basic needs. It comes as no surprise then that the sense associated with this chakra is SMELL, our most primitive sense. Its key role is in finding food and warning of danger, vital for our survival. Our sense of smell is also the sense most closely linked with memory and our root chakra is responsible for our ability to connect with our Past lives. Smells are often very easily able to evoke particular memories, often happening spontaneously, with smell acting as a trigger in recalling long-forgotten events or experiences.

Our Sacral Chakra is linked to our sense of sensuality and intimacy and so is our mouth. The sense associated with this chakra is TASTE. On a basic level we use our sense of taste to determine what food we eat to ensure our survival but taste has a much deeper connection to our emotions (also controlled within our sacral chakra). On a broader level taste can be determined by what we like and don't like, things we desire.

Our Solar Plexus Chakra is our centre "masculine" energy chakra and is very action orientated and focused. Often those with a dominance of masculine energy are very visual people and the solar plexus sense is SIGHT. It is believed that those people who are short sighted may be overly fearful and insecure and those that are longsighted may be holding onto unresolved anger or guilt.

The heart chakra is stimulated by our sense of TOUCH. The Heart chakra is our centre for the giving and receiving of love as well as healing and its close connection to the minor palm chakra is how we give energetic healing as it moves from the heart and travels along our arms and out through our hands.

Our Throat Chakra is all about communication, expression and sound and is linked to the last of our physical senses, HEARING. Sound is a vibrational frequency and being the first of the 3 upper, more spiritual chakras is linked to vibration too.

So far we have looked at the connection between our chakras and our 5 physical senses of smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing but of course we all have a sixth sense, otherwise known as INTUITION. Intuition is our ability to know things instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning. Just like all of our other senses, we are all born with this as an inbuilt part of our make up, although not everyone chooses to tap into it. This sixth sense is directly linked to our Third Eye chakra, responsible for our ability to connect on a higher spiritual level.

And so that just leaves us with the Crown chakra. The Crown chakra is responsible for processing all of the information from the other chakras and as such is not related to a specific sense. It represents the highest form of chakra development and is above our physical body and connected to higher consciousness.

Our chakras are naturally connected to our senses and that is why tapping into them is a very effective tool to boost them. Simply by focusing in on one particular sense and developing your connection with it will in turn connect with that chakra and provide a powerful energy surge. It really is as easy as that.

Love and light

Sharon x x



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