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The Power of Colour

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

How often do we refer to colour when we are talking about how we feel? For example when we are feeling down or fed up we use terms like "feeling blue" or if we are angry we are "seeing red". This is because colour and our exposure to it has a direct link to our physical, mental and emotional well being. Every colour vibrates at a different frequency and these vibrations have a powerful influence on our emotional, nervous and mental systems as well as our spiritual and physical well being. Just as we need to have a balanced diet in order to stay healthy, so too do we need a balance of energy from the seven colours of the spectrum. Our Chakra system reflects these 7 colours and colour therapy is an intrinsic part of Chakra balancing and healing.

What is Colour Therapy?

OK, so lets start with what Colour Therapy isn't! Generally as soon as I say that I am a qualified Colour Therapist, people immediately assume that this means I am going to tell them what colours to wear based on their skin colour, hair colour etc. This is not the case. Colour Therapy has nothing to do with fashion. Next, I am defiantly not a Doctor, I am not medically qualified and I am cannot cure illnesses, so Colour Therapy is not an alternative to proper medical advice from your Doctor or other Medical Practitioner. So now that we have cleared that up, lets look at what Colour Therapy is. The use of colour to aid healing has been practised throughout the ages. Many ancient cultures from the Mayans to the Native Americans recognised how different colours affected them and used them to bring harmony and well being. They recognised the power of exposure to colour from nature but as civilisation began to move away from living outside and away from natural sunlight, they found that they started to become ill. They quickly realised that the colours of the food they ate had a direct impact on their well being and that colour could be used as protection and to increase well being.

Nowadays, Colour therapy is used throughout the world as a complimentary treatment for a wide range of illnesses as well as both physical and mental disorders. Modern medicine understands the healing properties of different colours and they are used widely. As an example a baby born with Jaundice will be exposed to blue light.

Colour is the energy of light and affects every living thing. Colour therapy makes use of this powerful healing energy contained within the visible rays. Colour is absorbed through our eyes and our skin. This energy travels to our Pituitary gland which secretes hormones which regulate a wide variety of bodily processes including growth, blood pressure, thyroid glands, conversion of food into energy and water regulation. The visible rays increase and stimulate the production of these hormones and therefore effect our entire metabolism. But it is not only a physical reaction that we experience through colour. We also draw light through our body energy centres or Chakras. There are 7 Chakra within us running from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Chakras resemble spinning wheels and are present to maintain balance and harmony within us. Each Chakra has a relating colour and by drawing on this colour we can ensure that our Chakra remain balanced and improve our mental, emotional and physical health and well being.

There are a whole host of ways in which Colour Therapy can be applied both in terms of treatments and in our everyday lives. Different Practitioners will have their own particular preferred methods, but these can include:

- Colour Breathing - A form of Meditation that encourages you to breath in a specific colour

- Colour Meditation - Focusing on a Mandala ( a pattern of harmonious shapes, patterns and colours) to calm and still the mind.

- Silk scarf treatment - Coloured scarves are used on the corresponding Chakra points along the body.

- Chakra Balancing-Using colour to maintain a balance of our Chakra.

- Colour readings - using colour to understand our personality traits and how to influence our strengths and weaknesses.

- Colour in everyday life - understanding what colours we need and how we can add them into our daily lives through the foods that we eat, the colours we wear and our environment. Understanding how and why certain colours effect us and others around us and how to harness the positives.

However you choose to use colour, there is no doubt in my mind that it is a powerful tool.

Colour therapy provides a catalyst for the body to undertake its natural healing process and therefore assists in self recovery. It clears emotional blockages and restores energy and vitality. For me personally, I love to use colour within my Chakra work in a variety of forms. Using techniques such as dowsing and kinesiology to determine what colours your body needs and what colours to avoid. If you would like to know more, please do send me an email and I would be happy to chat.

Love and Light

Sharon x x x



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