There is no question that modern day life is fast paced. We regularly find ourselves hurtling from one thing to another, ticking off items from a seemingly never ending To do list and cramming full every minute of the day in a relentless battle to stay on top of things. But is constantly being on the go any good for us? Whilst our lives may be full of Instagram worthy moments, are we actually taking the time to really enjoy them, to be fully present or in fact to just BE?
Enter the pause! Everyone needs to discover the power of the pause. Taking a step back from the constant motion of our daily lives and allowing yourself the opportunity to simply be with the world around you, to reconnect with yourself and of course to breathe. Of course, you may feel that you already have moments of pause in your daily life. Perhaps its that 5 minutes you cram in before collecting the kids from school, or the moment you snatch when everyone is tucked up in bed, squashed in between doing the dishes, preparing the sandwiches and folding the washing, but the practice of the Mindful Pause is different.
When we practice the Mindful Pause, we intentionally make a decision to integrate pauses into our daily life. We choose to take the time to become completely present in the moment, to relax and be open to observing our own thoughts, feelings, body sensations and surroundings in a gentle and non judgemental way. This kind of mindful practice has become increasingly popular in recent times and is recognised as an effective way to combat stress and enhance our wellbeing.
Pausing allows you to come into the moment, to shine a light on whatever is happening right now - in your mind, in your body and in the world around you. It's the easiest and yet also the most difficult thing to do, because most of us have become so used to rushing through life without taking the time to really notice what is going on.
You can incorporate pauses into each and every part of your day. Pausing can give you greater clarity and an opportunity to change your perspective, to reflect and to reconnect with your values. As we become more aware of our thoughts and our feelings, we can start to develop a more stable attitude towards them.
There are many ways to introduce the Mindful Pause into your every day life and practicing the art of pausing can help change your attitude and enhance your life in a multitude of ways. When you commit to introducing this practice into your daily life, you enable yourself to strip back unnecessary complications, returning to the essence of who you are and who you want to be.
