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The Art of being Grateful.

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

“When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” ~Lao Tzu

We all have times in our lives, when nothing seems to be going right, our finances may be lacking, time is short, our life is off course. Maybe we have suffered a loss, a relationship break up or an illness, the list can go on. At times like this, it's hard to believe that we can find anything to be grateful for, but in these times, more than any it is important for us to pause, take a breath and "count our blessings".

When we can shift our focus from the things that we don't have or have lost and intentionally notice and be grateful for the things we do have, amazing things can happen. The practice of gratitude is known to have a ton of positive benefits and is is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive, enjoy good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. In addition when we consistently practice gratitude, we raise our vibration, allowing ourselves to attract more positive energy and experiences into our life.

From childhood, we are all taught the importance of expressing our thanks, when someone helps us, when we receive something, when someone shows us kindness. But there is a fundamental difference between being thankful and grateful. Being Grateful is a feeling while being thankful is an act. When someone does something good to you, you feel grateful for them and you offer your thanks to them as an action.

So how can you begin a Gratitude Practice? Well the first thing to say is that it takes time, commitment and patience. As humans, we find it much easier to grumble and complain than we do to find the good, so there will be days when this all seems like a tall order. No matter how much resistance you encounter, its important to push through. The great thing about gratitude is that no matter how forced the effort is, the outcome will still be powerful. So with that in mind, its time to start. Most people find that the easiest and most practical way to do this, is to create your own gratitude journal. If you are already a dedicated fan of journaling, its still a good idea to have a separate journal just for gratitude, we want to keep the vibe totally positive and high. You don't need a special book (although there are lots of beautiful ones available) any notebook or exercise book will be fine. Its a good idea to choose a specific time of day to do this, most people choose either first thing in the morning or last thing at night. Choosing a set time, helps you ensure that it becomes a part of your routine, in the same way as brushing your teeth. For me I personally like to do it last thing at night, but choose a time that best suits your lifestyle.

Each day, sit down with your pen and book ,write the date and start “I am grateful for …” Maybe you will have to stop there for a minute and wait because you just can’t think of anything to write. But just wait. It will come. Something inside you will shift. The words will come. This force that you are tapping into is bigger than you and it is bigger than your problem, no matter how big that is. If all else fails, write “I am grateful I am writing my gratitude list” five times if you can think of nothing else. Remember, you cannot fail at this practice, if you miss a day (or three) that doesn't mean you have let it all fall apart. Don't judge yourself or allow that little inner critic to come up, just move on and start again. Remember it takes time and patience to shift our attitude and our attention.

As you are writing, really try to connect with the feelings and emotions of being grateful. Allow yourself to completely immerse yourself in this experience. Place your hand on your heart and connect with the amazing energy , allow it to permeate every cell of your body and the most important thing to remember is don't stop when you start to see the results. All too often, when we start to reap the rewards of our work, we feel its time to take our foot off the pedal and our practices start to lapse. Gratitude is a life long practice and if we want to continue to benefit from the energies, we have to stay connected to it.

If meditation is your thing, then Gratitude Meditations are just as powerful a tool. You can choose to do this instead of or as well as journaling, the choice is yours. Gratitude Meditations are all about taking the time to reflect on the blessings in your life and giving thanks for them. Here is a simple Gratitude Meditation for you to use:

Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath Take a few deep breaths allowing any tension to ease from your body.

Continue to breathe slowly and gently as you bring your awareness to the top of your head.

Picture a warm, loving golden light spreading from the top of your head down to your toes.

Feel your muscles relax as the light washes over you, surrounding and protecting you.

Take a few more deep breaths and relax deeply.

In this safe, relaxed state reflect on all the things you’re grateful for

As each gratitude appears, visualise yourself saying the words thank you to each.

Try to make the image and feeling as real as you can.

Now, allow the feeling of deep gratitude to come into your body.

Notice where in your body the feeling is.

Take a few deep breaths and allow this feeling to expand.

Enjoy the pleasant feeling gratitude gives you, and feel it washing away your tension and negativity.

You can remain in this relaxed state as long as you like. When you’re ready, end your gratitude meditation with the following affirmation:

Thank you for the many blessings I have in my life. May these blessings multiply as I continue to notice and give thanks for them. Thank you universe.

Now, wiggle your toes and fingers, open your eyes and give yourself a few moments to adjust. Bring that feeling of gratitude with you as you go through your day, or drift off to sleep.



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