I love crystals and have a huge (and ever growing) collection. I am usually drawn by the colour, the shape and of course their power but for me there is one crystal which I am just a little bit obsessed with.........Selenite.
Selenite is a crystalline variety of the mineral gypsum and is one of the prettiest stones you will come across. Named after the Greek goddess Selene, the goddess of the moon. It’s also called the Satin Spar, Maria Glass, or Desert Rose. People are drawn to it because of its brilliant white colour and tactile feel. More over it is one of the most powerful crystals when it comes to healing and protection.
So how can Selenite help?

- Helping with mental clarity. If you have a lot going on in your mind or a difficult decision to make, this is the stone for you.
- Protection from negative energies or psychic attack.
- Grounding. This is a great stone to help you feel grounded, secure and in the here and now.
- Connection - This is a fabulous stone to work with during meditations and any spiritual work.
How to work with Selenite.

1. Use a selenite wand to locate energy flow blockages and remove them. Squeeze the selenite wand gently in your hand and slowly run it over the body just an inch or 2 away. After you use the wand a few times, you will begin to pick up on subtle differences in how the selenite wand feels in your hand. It will feel different where there is an energy blockage. Hold the wand over the area where the energy is different to help pull negative energy out and restore a healthy energy flow.
2. An easy way to work with selenite to improve energy flow is to sit on a chair in a quiet place, and place bare feet on a selenite wand or stone. Breathe slowly, and try to feel the energy of the Earth under the feet. Do this exercise for at least 15 minutes.
3. Selenite will not only magnify the performance of your other crystals but will also cleanse them too. Place your crystals in a bag with selenite sticks or use a selenite cleansing bowl.
4.Wear a selenite gemstone necklace to keep the healing, balancing vibrations near you during the day.
5.Place a piece of selenite by your bed to aid a restful nights sleep.
6.Place selenite in each of the four corners of your home. This placement dispels negativity and provides protection from outside negative forces.
7. Carry a selenite worry stone with you. If you begin to feel overwhelmed with negativity, take a quiet moment or two and rub your selenite mineral rock between finger and thumb.
8. Incorporate selenite into your daily meditation practice, hold it or place it near you to help increase your spiritual connection.
A few final tips:......
Selenite is super soft so be careful when handling as it can easily scratch. Selenite should not be placed in water, as it will simply dissolve. Clean it with a soft cloth or brush.
Love and Light
Sharon x x x