I had to think long and hard about the title of my blog this week. Why? Well, there in lies the fundamental problem that exists within our society today. The generalisation that anything which mentions the word "feminine" is either at best a fluffy pink, unicorn filled emotional blurb or at worst about to consist of a whole lot of men bashing. Before you stop reading, I am pleased to say that this is neither of those! but it does raise the question of just how we have ended up in a situation where those stereotypical assumptions have become the norm.
Anyway, here we go. The first myth I want to dispel is that this post has anything to do with gender. Masculine does not mean "Men" and Feminine does not mean "Women". In fact when we are referring to the divine energies of masculine and feminine, what we are actually talking about is a balanced duality of both. Universe itself is formed of two different aspects, most commonly represented by the "Yin and Yang" symbol. Yin represents the feminine and Yang represents the masculine joined together in perfect and equal harmony. Furthermore the symbolic dots of opposing colour shown in each half, represents the need for both feminine and masculine energies to encompass an amount of the opposing energy within to create balance. Bottom line, we need both, we are both regardless of our gender.
Why then the title " Rise of the Feminine Divine"? Well, here is why we must remember that we are not talking about men and women but energies. The reason I say this is because often what I am about to say can cause triggers for people. You see for thousands of years now our planet has succumbed to the dominant masculine energy. As a race we have embraced the darker, toxic shadow side of this energy which presents itself as aggressive, controlling, egotistical and consumed with the need for power and dominance. We can see it represented throughout the patriarchal systems and societies that run our world today. And as this energy has grown in power and strength, so too have we witnessed the increasing suppression of the feminine energy, relegated to the shadows of our inner being, silenced and hidden for fear of ridicule and judgement. For both men and women, there is an innate fear of expressing our feminine side and in a desire to survive in this masculine energy, we have not only allowed this to continue but have actively encouraged it.
But our Divine Feminine is rising again in us all. She is calling to us to embrace her and as more of us awaken to the need to undo the chaos we are creating and living in, we are answering that call. We are becoming more in tune with the need to protect our planet and to reignite the connection with have with nature. We are seeing a greater calling for true equality, sustainability and compassion. More and more people are beginning to open up to the benefits of holistic healing as mainstream and we are beginning to see the recognition of not only the need but the absolute desire for us all to live fully as our authentic self.
Now before, you think that what I am saying is that we need to see a revolution, where the feminine energy becomes the dominant force, I want to remind you of what I said earlier in this blog. In order for us to be our whole true, authentic self, we need to achieve the perfect balance of both masculine and feminine energies. We need to recognise that when we step into the light side of each of these energies, they can work in perfect harmony. We can be "empowered" without the need to be" in power".
So how can we begin to answer that call? The fact is that we need to go much deeper than simple surface level changes to create real transformation in our world. It is not simply enough to recognise the need for change, we have to embrace and express our Divine Feminine. But where to start? First, we need to honestly and openly examine our current beliefs around femininity and what it means to be a women or a man. We need to understand what and how these beliefs have been formed and more importantly recognise that for the most part these will not be a true reflection of the Devine Feminine. Most probably they will stem from the stereotypes that are presented and the experiences we have had. We need to let go of these limiting beliefs and rewrite our narrative.
Next, we need to turn to commit to the practice of self-love and self acceptance. The Divine Feminine is connected to a true sense of acceptance, without judgement or criticism of ourselves and others. Your journey to complete self-love and acceptance is not an easy path, after all you will be clearing away years of self-judgement, limiting beliefs and childhood wounds but meeting your shadows, confronting the negative thoughts that you hold and replacing them with ones that support and empower you, will get you there. Remember that the Divine Feminine is wild, free and untamed, she is not held back by rules and boundaries designed to restrict her, she rises above these and sets her own path, confident in her own abilities and connected to her own intuition. She is the captain of her own ship and the master of her own destiny.
Our feminine energy is divinely connected to mother earth and the more time you spend in nature the more connected you will feel to the Divine Feminine within you. Tune into her natural rhythms, the moon, the seasons and the flow. Honour, protect and celebrate Gaia (Mother Earth) and include her in your everyday life. Slow down and be present. Masculine energy is all about being active but feminine energy recognises the benefits and indeed the need for rest and reflection. To be receptive, passive and to listen. Slow down, learn to be present and notice and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
Connect with your body. Over the years, we have been taught to see our bodies as nothing more than a physical object. Something to be scrutinised and critiqued and regularly found to be coming up short against the impossibly unrealistic expectations that we are bombarded with from every source. Our bodies are so much more than just their physical appearance, they are incredible feats of physical engineering, capable of incredible achievements far beyond simply looking pretty. Love your body, cherish it, free it from the huge amounts of stress and trauma that we have allowed to build up within it. Practice self-care without guilt, taking care of its needs. Celebrate its wonder and connect to its wisdom,
Finally and here is the big one, tune into your emotions. Feel your feelings. Now here is where I am going to make my one and only generalisation but it is a fact that women are more in more in touch with their emotions and feel able to discuss them openly (mostly with other women!) Men on the other hand have been taught through the ages to consider expressing their emotions as weak and feminine (there we go!) and in turn, women have in turn learnt that in order to operate in this masculine energy, they too need to repress how they truly feel for fear of being deemed to be "overly-sensitive" or even worse "mentally ill". But the truth is expressing our emotions is none of these things, in fact there is no greater strength than to be able to outwardly, truthfully and authentically express how we really feel. Suppressing our emotions is nothing more than a form of denial of ourselves, it can be damaging not only to our mental but also our physical health and the bottom line is at some point they will have to come out. Regularly checking in with your emotions and more importantly validating them is the greatest act of self-love you can do. Tuning into our emotions, give us a greater awareness of ourselves and allows us to express empathy and compassion.
And there we have it, ladies and gents. The Divine Feminine is calling to us, so the question is are you ready to answer that call?
Learn more about the Divine Feminine and our Chakras by visiting my website https://soulpurposewantage.wixsite.com/website/about-5-1
Love and light