Life can be hard! Despite our best efforts, we constantly find ourselves surrounded by negative energies, whether that's people, places or situations and our energy supplies can quickly become drained. When we allow negativity to filter in, we can soon find ourselves lowering our own vibration. For many years, I never realised it was even possible to truly stay in control of my own energy. But then I realised that I no longer wanted be so influenced by the energy of others. I recognised that I needed to love myself enough to take ownership of my energy. After all, if we don't own our own energy, others will.
Learning to stay in control of your own energy is certainly not an easy journey, it definitely takes work and constant reminders. In addition, while strong boundaries are needed for certain energies, most of the time we just need to learn how to not get so easily caught up in others energies. However the rewards are immense, not only will we feel better, but we will keep our vibration high meaning that we will attract like people. So here are a few tips to help you keep that tank full to the brim with positive energy.
1. Don’t Get Involved.
If you find yourself in the company of people who love to complain, insult others and speak negatively constantly, don’t join them in it.Know who you are and what you want to put out to the world. Stay true to yourself and create boundaries with such people if you need to.
2. Visualise
Visualisation can be such a powerful tool to remind you of your boundaries and control.
You could picture yourself surrounded by a softly coloured bubble, a bright light or even an article of clothing, something that clearly creates a protective border between you and the energies around you.
3. Use a Mantra
When someone’s energy is particularly overwhelming, it helps to repeat an empowering mantra in your head.
4. Make your home your sanctuary.
Bring nature indoors, play relaxing music, keep the lights dim, declutter constantly. There are so many ways to create a home environment that both heals and restores your energy.
5. Trust You
When we don’t have trust in ourselves, our energy is there for the taking.
Relationships that require you to act like someone you’re not and take on energies that aren’t yours are not for your highest good. Honour who you are and you won’t give away your energy to others
6. React Less/Respond more
When we quickly react to other people’s energies, whether positive or negative, we’re less stable in our own energy. Practice responding instead, responding enables us to pause and think. Check in with yourself to see how you can best respond in any situation. Let your best self step forward, not your ego driven reactive self. By pausing and responding mindfully you’re less likely to allow someone’s negativity to pierce you and drag you down.
Stay in control of your energy and you’ll be far less reactive to the world around you.
8. Say No...and mean it!
If you know you get impacted easily by the energies of the world around you, honour yourself enough to set strong limits. Love yourself enough to say "No", no apologies, no explanations just no!
9. Connect to Nature
For deep healing and to find yourself again, ground yourself in nature. Take a walk through the park or in the woods if you can.
11. Quickly Cleanse
If you’re with someone whose negativity is impacting you, there’s a tendency to clam up and take quick shallow breaths.Doing so just exasperates that person’s impact on you, allowing their negativity to seep deeper into your core. Instead, pause and take several slow and deep cleansing breaths. Let your breath remind you of the power you hold over your domain.
Close your eyes and breathe in calm, peace and light and breathe out pain, toxicity and darkness. Your breath is your simplest but greatest power.
12. Don’t Give Permission
No one can affect you without your permission. If someone’s energy will be harmful to you, don’t grant them that permission. Empower yourself and own your energy