Our chakra system holds key information about our physical, mental and emotional state and understanding how to harness the incredible power of these spinning wheels of energy can provide us with the knowledge enabling us to bring balance and harmony to our lives. The Root chakra is the foundation upon which all the other chakras are built and whilst all of the 7 chakras are important and interconnected with each other, it is important to balance the root chakra first as otherwise we will lack the stability and rootedness necessary for full transformation and personal growth
We cannot grow and change unless we first feel safe and secure.
Fear, anxiety and instability are sadly becoming part of our everyday lives at present. Our Root chakra (Muladhara) is our survival centre and our primal fight or flight response is initiated from the Root chakra energy. The powerful energy of this chakra allows us to harness courage, resourcefulness and the will to live during challenging times. It is the area responsible for our basic survival needs such as food, water and shelter.
The development of our Root chakra begins in the womb and indeed our physical entrance into this world is through the root chakra of our parents. The foundations from which we act and react throughout our lives are developed within the first ten years of our life within the root chakra. Your experiences as a young child have significant impact on your feelings of safety and security in adulthood and imbalances and blockages within this chakra can be directly linked to childhood experiences.
To restore balance in the root chakra, it is firstly important to understand the belief systems developed within you as a child that have led to the core beliefs that you now hold. This requires a good deal of self-observation and recapitulation of early events that created these beliefs to enable you to bring about consciousness and awareness. Once you realise what created these beliefs to start with, you can work on healing and realignment.
Any events during our lifetime that threaten our basic survival, are all recorded within the energies of the Root chakra and in addition it is here that we carry the spiritual energies of our ancestors, and the challenges and triumphs they experienced. The Root chakra also holds the energies of karmas of past lives. It is for these reasons that most people experience challenges or imbalances within the Root chakra.
The primary colour associated with this chakra is Red, however as the chakra which connects us with Mother Earth, it also holds the vibration of black, brown and grey. Red signifies energy, connection with the earth and survival and strength. Its complimentary colours are Blue and Green.
In very simple terms our Root chakra deals with survival and is blocked by fear.
When our Root chakra is open and balanced and the energy is free flowing, we experience feelings of safety and security and that all of our basic needs are being met. We are grounded and connected to the earth and easily recognise our place in the world. We have good levels of energy, are self motivated and focused. Fear and trauma will create an imbalance in this chakra, we may feel anxious and insecure, experience a heightened sense of awareness, lack focus and energy, feel disconnected. We may become excessively angry or aggressive or overly emotional. Physically imbalances may manifest themselves as problems within our bladders, lower back, feet and legs and reproductive organs.
Below is a list of states of being and consciousness that are often associated with an imbalance in the root chakra and colours, stones and essential oils to work with to readdress the balance.
Agitation or Anger - Work with blue. Suggested crystals are Lapis Lazuli, Angelite, Turquoise or sodalite. Lavender, Clary sage or Eucalyptus essential oils are recommended.
Inflammation - Chrysocolla calms inflammation and sodalite or lapis lazuli will reduce the angry red energy of burns. They will also relax spasms associated with menstrual cramps.
Lavender, Clary sage, Tea Tree or Eucalyptus essential oils are recommended.
Protection - Black Tourmaline deflects negativity. Hematite creates a protective shield when feeling unsafe or vulnerable.
Lack of focus - Hematite assists with grounding as well as red jasper, black tourmaline and black obsidian.
Weakness, lack of energy - Work with red. Garnet, ruby and red jasper can help motivate. Use Sandalwood, Ginger, Cinammon, Frankincense or Rosemary essential oils.
