Could 2022 be the year that you love and accept yourself just as you are?

And just like that it's the first day of 2022 and in the infamous words of that timeless classic, "another year over and a new one just begun". Without even time to polish off the last of the mince pies, our social media pages are being bombarded with a seemingly endless supply of "New year, new you" rhetoric. These seemingly positive and motivational messages suggest that this year, if we can lose the weight, give up drinking, find a new job, etc, etc then this will be the year that we will finally feel good about ourselves and our lives and if that works for you, that's great. If it doesn't keep reading......
Here's a thought, how would it feel if this year, instead of subscribing to the tired, old narrative of not being enough, you simply began by loving and accepting yourself, just as you are? What if you let go of the pressure of "new year, new you" and instead focused on developing a relationship with yourself; a loving, supportive, accepting relationship, which recognised and celebrated the good, the bad and the flawed. One where you acknowledged that it has taken a lifetime to get to this present moment and every experience whether success or failure, has contributed to creating the perfectly imperfect, wonderful and unique individual you are. The problem with the concept of "new year, new you" is that it doesn't acknowledge everything that is good about who you already are.
January the 1st is heralded as the great reset, a chance to put behind us everything that we see as being wrong with our lives and ourselves and start anew. But the reality is that every single one of those difficult times, mistakes or failings has given us an opportunity to learn. The truth is that we are empowered to make change in our lives every moment of every day. Of course it's great to have goals and ambitions but when we are constantly focusing on the future, we fail to enjoy the present moment. Focus on what brings you joy right now not what you might have in the future. Instead of hurtling towards what you think will bring you joy, let your goals be informed by the moments you want to have now.
January is a time for reflection on how far you have come instead of focusing on how far you didn't go. It is taking the time to look at what continues to give you meaning and purpose. Of course you can strive to be the best version of yourself you can possibly be but this doesn't have to be achieved through focusing solely on all of your perceived weaknesses and failings. Accept and love yourself, just as you are right now, acknowledge the good and the bad, recognise that this is what makes you the whole person you are. Don't fall into the comparison trap, you are you and you can't be anyone else and why would you want to be?
So if you are already feeling the pressure of new years resolutions, then why not make 2022, the year that you celebrate everything that is already great about you and your life!
Happy New Year.
Sharon x x x
