"We heal so our children don't have to"
Anyone that has worked with me in the past, will know that this is one of my favourite mantras. For me personally, I recognised very early on that breaking those cycles and releasing myself from past negative experiences, not only would greatly benefit me but would help my children too. But what if our children learnt from an early age how to connect with their own internal power, to be able to accept and celebrate their emotions and to embrace their uniqueness? Wouldn't it be incredible if alongside the necessary spelling, punctuation and maths, our children were also taught about self worth, self love and self acceptance. Sadly, within the education system, I think we are still some way away from seeing this on the regular curriculum but as parents we can instil these values at home and open the door for our children to the amazing energetic power of connecting with their chakras.
Awareness is growing about the benefits and necessity of working with our chakras, but chakras are not something that need to be explored and understood exclusively by us Grown ups! Children are so much more receptive to the energy around them than us adults. Teaching our children about the chakra system is a wonderful way to help them to become aware of the sensations they experience as they grow and develop as well as how the energy within them and around them can influence both their emotional and physical well being. Understanding the chakra system can give your child a way to be more aware of the energy in their body. It gives them the language to communicate this to you and to then find ways to bring their chakras back to balance.
How your children think, feel and act is impacted by the energies flowing through their chakra system. This energy expands or shrinks according to the changes they experience both within themselves and around them . If there’s too much or too little energy flowing into each energy centre, your child will feel an imbalance that can manifest physically, emotionally or mentally.
By developing from an early age a deeper level of understanding and awareness of the energy within their body and how it can affect them, your child is empowered to take care of their needs, making choices and decisions that are based on what is for their highest good. They learn the importance of self care and of taking time to quieten their mind which will help them to deal more effectively with life's daily stresses. They will learn to appreciate the importance of balance and be more equipped to find ways to bring this into their life. Finally and possibly most importantly, by teaching our children about their chakra system we are fostering a connection with their own intuition as a helpful source of guidance and developing an innate trust that will help them to understand the changes they experience to their energetic bodies and to instinctively know how to bring about balance.
So when can you start? Well the answer is from the moment they are born. There are so many fantastic ways that you can foster and develop this connection between your children and their chakras. Simple meditations, sound including singing bowls, crystals, colour, positive affirmations, connecting with nature, the list is endless but probably the most important one is leading by example. Our children mimic us from an early age so create a healthy connection with your own chakras and your children will follow.
As a Chakra Practitioner, I have been privileged to have worked with many children (including my own), the youngest being 18 months and I can tell you from personal experience that our children can only benefit from building this connection from an early age. Watching a small child studying crystals, carefully selecting the perfect one and then seeing them placing on themselves is truly a moving experience. Witnessing a distressed child being soothed by the sound of singing bowls is magical. Just recently, I had the honour of meeting a gorgeous 2 year old little girl and her mum at a Psychic Fair I attended in Witney. We spent some 25 minutes sat together on the floor as she sang to the crystals and played the singing bowls and seeing the sheer delight on her little face was incredible and moved us all to tears.
I offer Chakra sessions for children on a 1: 1 basis. If you would like more information, then please get in touch at soulpurposewantage@gmail.com
Love and light