Helloooo! Its amazing what you realise about yourself when you sit down to write a piece like this. The simple task of coming up with a title and deciding on an image demonstrated to me in glorious technicolour just what an emotive subject this really is. Even though I consider myself to be fairly ok with this body image stuff, I found myself getting caught on that well trodden path of social acceptance. How could I write a title that wouldn't immediately alienate half my audience, how could I communicate that this wasn't yet another sanctimonious diatribe telling you how you should be living your life, how did I choose an image that didn't cause comparison, self doubt or offence? Anyway after giving myself the proverbial slap, I went back to what I really believe, and that is that the whole point of this is that its really all about self acceptance. It doesn't matter what shape or size you are, what bumps and lumps you have, whether you nose is too long, your hair is the wrong colour, your boobs are too small or too big. It really is just about "LOVING YOURSELF".
Throughout time, the word beauty has meant many different things. Collins Dictionary defines beauty as "the combination of all the qualities of a person or thing that delight the senses and please the mind". In modern times, we have begun to see a real change towards an acceptance that beauty comes in many forms and slowly but surely there is a real move to recognising that beauty is a combination of both inner and outer attributes, its about being original, being authentic, being real. Its not only accepting but embracing our quirks and celebrating them for making us the incredible imperfect perfect individuals we are.
Now I am not about to try to convince you that the world has evolved completely. Its true that there is still a huge battle ahead. Positive change is being seen within the fashion, music and media industry but there is till far too much pressure being applied to look a certain way. However, we can make a difference! By changing our attitudes to our own bodies, by learning to love and accept our body as it is right now, by celebrating our uniqueness we can raise the vibration and empower the next generation to have total body confidence and to recognise the importance of loving these amazing, incredible machines we call our bodies.
So where do we start? How do we make those small changes in our own attitude to caring for our bodies? Well, I have listed a few ideas for you to consider below. Some you may already do, some may simply not resonate with you but hopefully there is something here that will spark that first inspiration to really start to embrace your body and to recognise your BeYOUtiful self.
Ways to be Body Positive and shine your light.
◇ As soon as you're about to criticise yourself, stop and think if you would say that to someone else. Be your best friend and be kinder to yourself. Use positive affirmations to give yourself a boost every morning.
◇ Don't put anyone's body down. Putting people down only makes you feel bad in the long run, Don't rely on anyone else for your boost, especially when it's negativity. Don't compare, we are all unique and no two people are the same.
◇ Point out the things you love about yourself. Look in the mirror and tell yourself what you love about you. Positive Mirror work is really powerful (and a little challenging too) but persevere, its worth it. Stand in front of the mirror and really look at yourself. Focus on all the positives, notice what you love about yourself. If you find yourself coming up with a negative, proactively try to turn it on its head and find the positive. E.G. If you dislike your legs, refocus and acknowledge how amazing your legs are as they get you around all day!
◇ Weight doesn't mean as much as you think it does. It is just one small detail in YOU and everything you have to offer the world, stop dwelling on it. When we continually focus on a something we rewrite our narrative and this becomes our reality. Obviously when we do this with something positive this can be fabulous but if we continually focus on a negative aspect of ourself, how can we feel positive, accepting and empowered?
◇ Learn how to take and embrace compliments. People say positive things because they genuinely think it, appreciate it and believe it. Don't forget to give positive compliments out as well, remember we get back what we put out.
◇ Set goals that have nothing to do with how you look. Finding happiness in non cosmetic places will help with life long happiness. Never stop setting goals for yourself.
◇ Surround yourself with positivity. Try to say negative words less and replace them with positive words. Promote good vibes!
◇ Get off Social Media from time to time and when you do go on, don't compare yourself to unrealistic social media. Everyone knows that social media is a place where people post what they want you to see in them, not the real them. So stop thinking you have to look and act they way they do.
◇ Tell yourself thank you! You do a lot for others and yourself and you deserve to be thanked.
◇ REALISE THAT SELF WORTH HAS LITTLE TO DO WITH YOUR BODY, AND EVERYTHING TO DO WITH YOUR MIND. Be recognised for the amazing person you are and the amazing things you do, that's what really matters and what this world really needs. Focus on those things and happiness will come to you.
◇ Fake it till' you make it. This is soooo true. When I am feeling like I am lacking confidence, I just act that way I want to feel and... wow I soon actually start feeling "really" confident. I didn't change anything about my appearance, just the way I carried myself, and that makes a world of a difference.
Love and light