How often do you find yourself doing what you think you should rather than what you feel is right for you? Far to often, we ignore that little voice inside of us, that feeling in our gut that offers us guidance and just that sense of knowing . But at what cost? Well, in reality the cost can be quite high. When we choose to ignore the quiet whispers or persistent inner calling trying to guide us, when we fail to recognise those tell tale signs, we miss the need to pause before hitting burn out or fail to say yes to the big opportunity coming our way. The one thing we are certainly missing is the opportunity to do whats is truly for our highest good.
Intuition plays a critical role in our everyday lives. Many people think of it as a moment where you instinctively know if something is right or isn't right, an inner voice that just knows. But it is of course so much more than that! Our intuition bridges the gap between our instinct and our reasoning, our conscious and our subconscious. It is not just a case of listening to your gut, its about becoming aware of the signs and symbols that are Universes way of guiding us. When we listen to our instincts we are able to read people better, make the right decisions for ourselves, set the right goals and align with our true path.
So how can you tap into your intuition more effectively?
1. Take time to pause. Gut feelings(instincts) are difficult to recognise when we are caught up in hustle and bustle of day to day life. Take the time to pause and still the mind. That might mean making time for a little meditation, taking a little mindfull walk or just taking some time out to sit in quiet contemplation. 2. Pay attention to your body. We don’t tap into our intuition by thinking. It happens through feeling. To get back into the habit of listening, simply take a few moments a couple of times each day to scan your body. This will help you become more present, to quiet your busy mind and tune into your body. Notice anything that feels out of the ordinary. Be aware of your breath. Tune in to how you feel.
3. Let Go Of Your Need To Control Everything As long as you try to maintain a grip on every little detail of your life, you’ll struggle to hear what your intuition is saying. While you may want to be master of your own destiny, you don’t have to totally ignore what your gut is telling you.
4. Emotions leave clues. Take notice of the emotions you’re feeling on a consistent basis. Your emotional response to any situation provides you with clues. Notice your energy and trust your emotions to give you the signals you need.
5. Stay Positive Intuition works in the best interest of your general well being, and this means it operates at peak efficiency when you are mentally prepared to follow its guidance. A positive mind is far more willing to act upon intuition.
Love and light
Sharon x x x x