As a child, I like many, kept a diary. That special place where you revealed your innermost thoughts and deepest secrets. Page after page filled with the smallest details of your life, a safe place to express yourself and your hopes and dreams. As an adult, a diary generally becomes a functional tool, the place to record the seemingly endless list of things to do, places to be and dates to remember. It represents our need to stay in control, to get it right, to meet our responsibilities.
But a diary or journal has the capacity to be so much more! There is a host of proven scientific evidence to support the fact that regular journaling, a simple yet effective tool, can and does improve and enhance every aspect of your well being, mental, physical and spiritual.
A journal is the place to record your life experiences, to explore and express your thoughts and feelings, to reflect, to release and to show gratitude amongst other things. In fact there are no hard and fast rules about what you journal, the simple fact that you are giving yourself a dedicated space and time for self-expression is the key. You don't need to be an amazing wordsmith, you have no need to write lengthy prose (unless of course you have a lot to say,), your journal entry can be as simple as one line statement of how you feel that day! Don't limit yourself to specifics or worry about grammar, free flowing writing will provide you with the outlet needed and pretty soon you will be surprised at how much you write.

So how to start? Firstly choose your medium. For many people, a gorgeous notebook, carefully chosen provides the initial inspiration to write. However if you are more "tech" inclined, using a tablet or laptop may be a more favoured means of recording your thoughts. Again, low or high tech doesn't matter, it's about finding what works and feels most comfortable for you.
Once you have your writing implements, it's then a good idea to decide on when you are going to journal. In the early days, setting yourself a dedicated time is a good way to develop a routine and make it easier to form the habit. Having said that, journaling should not be a chore or yet another item to tick off the to-do list, so don't worry if you don't do it every day or if you sometimes journal in the morning and sometimes in the evening, just do it when it feels right! You will find your own flow and eventually it will become second nature. One important point to remember is that journaling should be a positive experience, obviously many people feel the benefit of having a safe, uninhibited space to vent their frustrations, disappointments and anger but in order to create a powerful, positive and healing space, always try to implement the 3 R's....Rant/Release/Repair.
So what are the benefits of Journaling?
- Lowers anxiety and helps combat stress and depression.
- Helps you to recognise and release past trauma and wounds as well as effectively deal with issues and challenges that arise.
- Fosters personal growth.
- Creates overall well being both physically and mentally.
I have been journaling for quite a while now and have found it to be an incredible experience. I hope this article has inspired you and would love to hear your own experiences with this fabulous tool.
Love and light
Sharon x x