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In this moment........

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

Life moves at such a hectic pace and all too often we are so concerned with what is going to happen next that we forget to just enjoy where we are right now. Being present means creating awareness of the moment we are in. Whether internally or externally, it’s about paying attention to what’s going on without attempting to change anything. Its about letting go of the past or the need to control the future and simply to just be. The only problem is that staying present is a lot easier said than done. Implementing this change into your daily routine can be a huge struggle.

But the reality is that the past has gone and there is nothing we can do to change it and the future is not guaranteed and we can't control it. The only thing we have is the "right here", "right now". All too quickly that moment will become the past and if we don't take the time to connect with it fully, we will miss it. Time after all passes, regardless of whether we want it to or not. Our children will grow, we will get older, every moment is precious, so enjoy it!

To help, here are a few ideas of simple daily practices that can help you stay in the moment.

1. Identify the moment. Take a moment to check in with yourself and identify the moment you’re in. You can do this by asking questions about your surroundings and your current state. Ask yourself questions like: Where am I? What is around me? What noises do I hear? What can I physically feel around me? What do I smell? Who is around? How am I feeling? What am I grateful for right now? 2. Listen without intending to respond. A conversation is indeed a two way process, but it also involves both speaking and listening. How often are you so busy worrying about what you are going to say next rather than be really present and listening to the other person? Often we’re only half-listening to the other person because we’re constantly thinking about our own stories and what we can add to the conversation. Instead, try inviting more presence into your conversations and relationships simply by listening with curiosity, rather than anticipation. 3. Listen to your body. Our bodies are amazing things and when we connect and become really connected to them we can gain a host of really useful cues to help us manage our own well being. It’s easy to start thinking that you need to eat a certain way or exercise for a certain amount of time every day because other people do it. One of the best ways that you can be present in your life is to listen to what your body tells you instead. Is it craving chocolate? Eat it. Does a run sound invigorating? Go for one. Do you want nothing more than to curl up in bed and forego the gym today? Do it. Your body will let you know when it needs energy and when it needs rest. 4. Reduce distractions. How often do we do things on autopilot? Most of us are never fully present in our lives because we continually get distracted. Our focus may be on one thing for a few moments, but suddenly another thought, request, or task comes up and we’re onto the next thing. Often, particularly when we are engaged in the more mundane tasks in our day, we welcome any distraction but it is important to be in the moment and give it your full attention. Identify your top distractions and develop a plan to avoid them. 5. Find balance between flowing and planning. Are you a habitual planner? When we plan out every single detail of our days, weeks, and months, we don’t allow ourselves the opportunity to go with the flow. While it’s important to plan, it’s also important to be flexible in how you handle your daily life. Like everything in life it's all about balance. Try to identify where you need to plan and where you can simply see what happens and go with the flow. 6. Get away from the digital world. Ok, so you probably saw this one coming but spending time away from your phone and computer every day enables us to really connect with the moment. Read a book, go for a walk, or eat without an electronic device nearby. Do something daily that doesn’t require a connection to the internet. 7.Feel your feelings. If you’re prone to over-analysing your feelings and trying to change them, I encourage you to sit with your feelings and simply observe them instead of trying to change them. Let go of the mentality that certain feelings are bad and that you need to be positive all of the time. Instead, just let yourself feel. 8. Celebrate the little things. Life is full of little moments of joy and when we acknowledge them and celebrate them, we are living in the moment, whether its a hug from someone you love, a wonderfully uplifting song on the radio or just the fact that you managed to get that parking space celebrate these tiny joys as much as the big ones. Love and light

Sharon x x



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