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How to Cleanse your Aura.

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

Updated: Apr 18, 2020

The aura is a field of energy that is so subtle yet so radiant that surrounds the human body. Think of your aura as an extension of your physical body. Auras are related to the electromagnetic field of the human body and serve as a visual measure of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states. Our Aura and Chakras work in harmony to create our energetic signature and when either or both become blocked and clogged it can impact on the effective performance of our whole energetic system, causing issues both physically and emotionally.

You shower and take care of your physical body daily, and your spiritual body is no different. Protecting and Cleansing our Aura is vital to our spiritual hygiene and developing a regular practice is key. As we move through our every day lives, our Aura is constantly bombarded with energies both from our external interactions and our internal processes. These experiences and interactions are reflected within our energetic field and over time can cause damage and blockages to our Aura and Chakra system.

But don't despair, there are tons of ways to keep your Aura healthy, clean and in tip top condition! So lets get started.........

Aura Cleansing Bath Time.

Give your body a good energy cleanse.

This is not only a fabulous way to cleanse your Aura but also doubles up a fantastic way to have a bit of "me time".

Firstly smudge your bathroom with a Sage bundle to move and shift any energies contained within the room. Don't forget to open a window or door to allow the energies to leave the room. Now run yourself a lovely warm bath and add some Himalayan Salts. Himalayan Salt is perfect for cleansing as it removes negative ions. Light some candles and burn some wonderful Lavender Incense. You can add a Himalayan Tealight for some added energy cleansing. While you are enjoying your bath, take some time to do a meditation, focus on your breathing and use some positive affirmations. Here is one I love....


Smudging is the ancient practice of using smoke to clear and cleanse energies. Smudging can be used to cleanse your home, your crystals and of course your Aura. A simple practice that can be done on a daily basis. You can choose from a variety of options to undertake this practice, the most traditional is a Sage bundle. There are a huge number of varieties but most people tend to favour White Sage. You can purchase sage only bundles or you may prefer a combo, my favourite is White Sage and Lavender. You can also try Palo Santo sticks, Palo Santo is Spanish for Holy Wood, and is one of nature’s awesome tools for raising vibrations, and purifying and cleansing your space. With a beautifully aromatic, woody smell hinting of lemon and mint, along with the ability to bring peace, calm and clarity to a situation or place, who wouldn’t want to get smudging with Palo Santo? It comes as woody sticks and is used in exactly the same way as the Sage bundle. Light the sage or Palo Santo, blow it out so the embers are glowing. With both hands, bring the smoke into your heart, over your head and down the front and back body to cleanse yourself, Many people use an Abalone shell to catch any embers but any fireproof bowl will do and of course always ensure that you properly extinguish your smudging stick when you have finished. You can also use Incense sticks of White Sage and Palo Santo in exactly the same way.

Smudging without the smoke.

If you are not keen on the idea of smoke, or if you suffer from any physical conditions that will be irritated by smoke, there are lots of options for Aura clearing without the need to burn. Smudge spray not only clears your space, it fills the air with fragrance, raising vibrations and evoking sensual pleasure. You can buy smudge spray or experiment with making your own. This is a suggested recipe for a Palo Santo Smudge Spray.


Crystals are many peoples go to and aura cleansing is no different. Whether you choose to wear them as a piece of jewellery, carry them with you or place them around your home. They are also prefect to place around your bathtub as part of your aura cleansing bath.

Here are my top go to crystals for aura cleansing and protection.

1. Clear Quartz - Perfect general crystal for cleansing the aura.

2. Rose Quartz - Repairs damage to the aura regarding heartache.

3. Citrine - Expands and strengthens the aura

4. Selenite - Powerful cleansing and protection of the aura.

5. Amethyst - Repairs and restores the aura after psychic attack.

6. Flourite - Keeps your aura free of other peoples emotions and energies.

7. Black Tourmaline - Helps to clear negative energy.


Meditation is a very effective way to cleanse your aura. Your thoughts influence your energy system probably more than anything else you come in contact with. Because of the important link between your emotional state and your energetic output the more attention you put into clearing your thoughts and emotions the clearer your aura will be. You don't have to spend an hour clearing your aura. Here's a quick meditation you can use:

Take a minute and imagine that your feet are absorbing black (healing energy) from the earth, and as the black moves up your feet into the rest of your body, imagine it dislodging any energetic debris (physical pain, anxieties, negative emotions) that may be lodged in your system, now wash all the black earth energy out with crystal clear white light that filters down the top of your head until it's all out. Another simple and quick meditation that is also perfect to do when in the shower in the morning, imagine that you are being showered with beautiful white and golden light. Imagine it flowing over every part of your body clearing away any negative energies leaving your aura clean and balanced. If you prefer a guided meditation, then I have recorded a beautiful 15 min one here.

I hope you have enjoyed reading my tips for keeping your aura in perfect condition, as with everything a regular routine is what is required .

If you are looking to purchase any items to help with your aura cleansing routine, then why not check out The Chakra Shop, part of Soul Purpose, We have a range of incense, smudge bundles, salt lamps and lots more, all of which can be ordered on line and delivered direct to your door by courier. We also have a special"Aura Cleanse Kit", which includes, 1 x Himalayan Salt tealight, 1 x Sage and Lavender smudging stick, 1 x 25g of Palo Santo sticks, 1 x pk of White Sage incense and 1 x pack of Palo Santo incense,1 x Himalayan salt and lavender oil salt bath crystals. for just £36.00 including free delivery. Visit our shop by clicking here

Love and Light

Sharon x x x x



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