When all is said and done, its all about love. Love is all there is! But where does that love come from? Well it may sound a little cliche but to bring love to everyone including ourselves is all about opening the heart and our Heart Chakra holds the key.
The Heart chakra forms the bridge between your lower three chakra and your upper three chakra. It connects us with kindness, love, compassion, tolerance, patience understanding and who we truly are. The Heart chakra is located in the centre of your chest and its primary colour is green. There is no complimentary colour as such for this chakra, however pink is also used to balance.
The Heart chakra is all about connecting and relating. The emphasis is on love, both giving and receiving, and how open we are in relationships. It is about opening up fully to the compassion and acceptance of all that is, as it is. When we live from our heart and our heart energy is opened and balanced, we can see clearly and position ourselves in any situation, no matter how challenging it is, with discernment and compassion. The heart chakra is also where we experience the beauty and wonder of life in a state of openness and acceptance that brings us in touch with our world and ourselves in profound and fulfilling ways. When the heart chakra is in healthy alignment you will feel surrounded by love, compassion, and joy and connected to the world around you.
Our Heart Chakra deals with love and is blocked by grief.
When your heart chakra is blocked or underactive, you may experience the inability to forgive others or move on from past experiences. When the heart chakra becomes blocked, it often detaches you from your emotions, numbing you from love and compassion. When our Heart Chakra is blocked or underactive, we may experience feelings of being withdrawn, lacking empathy, unforgiving, isolation, overly critical of yourself,overly critical of others. If your heart chakra is overactive, it can lead to a lack of discernment in relationships, leaving you emotionally drained. When the heart chakra is overwhelmed with energy(overactive), it can lead to you overexerting yourself in your personal life, allowing your relationships to become toxic. You may feel ruled by your emotions and overly dependent on your relationships. You may experience feelings of codependency, neglecting of emotional self-care, lost sense of identity, lost sense of personal boundaries, saying yes to everything even when it hurts you, giving to others without restraints.
The heart chakra directly affects the heart, lungs, chest, arms, and hands. When misaligned, poor circulation, high or low blood pressure and other heart and lung conditions can all be symptoms. The heart chakra is also linked to our immune system, lymph and thymus glands.
The heart chakra is related to the element of air and as such, its energy is associated to the breath and its movements, as well as the idea of spaciousness and connection with all things.
Working with Crystals and Essential Oils to bring balance to our Heart chakra.

When working with your Heart chakra, any green or pink stone that you are drawn to will provide essential energy, however the following are our top picks.
Peridot - This stone is perfect for activating an underactive Heart Chakra, capable for cleansing and clearing out toxins. It can assist with feelings of jealousy, envy, hate and anger replacing with love, compassion and calmness.
Rose Quartz - This stone brings both friendship and love. It will balance and calm an overactive heart chakra as well as assisting to open your heart chakra fully.
Green Aventurine - My absolute go to Heart chakra crystal! It both calms and balances the energies of the heart chakra, has fabulous all round healing abilities and is an effective protector and repairer of our heart and lungs.
In terms of fragrances, Jasmin activates the heart and moves the energy towards love
but can be quite an expensive choice. Lavender on the other hand is much more readily available in a variety of formats. It is a fabulous generic chakra aroma, working on different levels with different chakra, however its calming nature works wonderfully with the Heart chakra. Rose will help to expand your heart and connect with both inner and outer beauty so is the perfect scent to work on self love. Neroli assists in the activation of joy and happiness in your heart.
