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Getting to know "YOU"

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

What if you don't know who you are? Firstly don't worry, you are in good company! Very few people have every really spent the time or even felt that it was necessary to really get to know themselves. But what does it mean to "know" yourself? Well lets start of by stating that this is not a case of simply skimming the surface to understand what your favourite colour is or which kind of music you like; this is a much deeper exploration into the very heart of what makes you you.

Knowing yourself is a journey. It is about discovering the real you; your doubts, your fears, your hopes and your dreams. It is about unravelling the deeper truth of who you are and takes courage and a willingness to peel back the layers to discover what lays beneath. Self-awareness is a "practice" that everyone can always improve at. It is part emotional intelligence, part perceptiveness and part critical thinking. It can be a profoundly emotional and difficult journey but the rewards of truly understanding who you are can be incredible.

There are of course many ways that you can learn about yourself, but for me the most powerful of all comes when we engage with the energies contained within the chakra system. Our chakra are the power houses of our energy, they hold within them all of the history of our life so far, both positive and negative. Each chakra is represented by one of our "selves" and the energies we hold within them determine how we show up in our daily lives.

We are all born with the 7 major chakra points, but each one goes through a 7 year development cycle starting with the Root Chakra from birth - 7 years. During this time, our life experiences impact on the development of the chakra and create the blueprint for how we grow in this area. For example a child who has everything done for them and is never allowed to develop a sense of independence may develop reliance on others for their safety and security which could then cause a block within their root chakra energy. As an adult they may find that they have difficulty taking responsibility for decision making in their life and need to rely on others to dictate what is right and wrong for them.

By carefully examining how we think, feel and act in our life today, we can identify blocks and imbalances within our energy system and then trace back to the source of the beliefs and experiences that have been created. We can then simply address this thinking and redirect the energies to bring balance and flow.

As a qualified Chakra Practitioner, it has been my honour to have successfully worked with many clients as they begin their journey to understanding themselves better. I have developed the CATH course (Chakra Activation and Therapeutic Healing course) which I believe is a positive first step on this path. The course is done on a 1:1 basis over 9 weeks. Each week, we assess one of the chakras and identify where the blocks or imbalances sit in relation to the relevant "self". We do this through a series of carefully constructed questions and discussion. Once identified, we then trace back to the experiences or beliefs that created the imbalance and using a number of methods including meditations and journaling we release this negative energy and replace with positive affirmations and a new way of thinking.

The path to knowing yourself is a life long commitment and of course we are all always learning. Learning and understanding about your energies is not only incredibly empowering but will also enable you to develop a better relationship with yourself, others and the world around you.

If you would like to find out more about the CATH course or any of the other empowerment courses I offer, please visit my website or get in touch by emailing me at

Love and light

Sharon x x



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