Emotions, we all have them! Some of them create positivity, growth and development whilst others can create negativity, disconnection and keep us stuck. Our chakra system is directly connected to our emotions and our 7 main chakra are related to specific emotions. When each chakra is aligned and in balance with each other, in general we feel good and our life is a rainbow. But there are days when our colours seem to fade. Events and experiences in our life can lead to us experiencing negative emotions which can cause blocks within our chakra system and equally when we experience negative emotions within ourselves, this can be an indication of blocks held within the chakras.

Maintaining balance within our chakra system is vital to our overall health and well being both physically and emotionally. In order to maintain this balance, we need to ensure that our vital life force energy is able to flow freely. Our chakra system is constantly reacting and responding to our environment and circumstances of our lives. When we experience negative emotional states, our chakra system can become imbalanced and as a result the energy is impeded and fails to flow freely. There are 2 states of imbalance; our chakra energy may become too open (overactive), exposing us to absorbing further negative energy, if the energy is too restricted (underactive), we are unable to open ourselves to normal healthy interactions causing us to be disconnected.
Flower essences are a botanically based healing system that has existed since ancient times. However, the most well recognised of these was developed in the 1930s by Edward Bach, an English phys

ician. Bach came up with 38 “remedies,” each the essence of a different flower that targeted a specific emotional state. These essences remain hugely popular today and most people are familiar with Rescue Remedy, a blend of five essences used for stress, Flower essences have become a popular alternative treatment for emotional healing and when combined with the information we can gain by reading our chakra system are a highly effective way of releasing and rebalancing our energetic flow.
Flower Essences are made by infusing the flowers particular vibration into water. Flower essences works on the premise that every flower has a particular healing attribute in the form of a vibrational frequency. Similarly, an emotional imbalance also has a vibrational frequency. Essences help to raise our vibration moving us to a positive state, clearing blockages and enabling the energy to flow freely. In particular the essences allow us to fine tune the different vibrational levels of the chakras. By identifying the negative vibrational state that the individual is experiencing e.g. fear, we select an essence which resonates with the opposing vibration e.g. courage. As the vibration is raised, the negative emotion is removed and is replaced by the positive vibration.
Flower essences are totally safe and can be used by everyone, including children and animals, and they can also be used internally and externally! Some of the things that flower essences can help with include reducing anxiety and instilling a sense of calm during stressful episodes in your life, experiencing more joy and optimism, finding forgiveness towards yourself and others, a deeper connection and understanding in relationships, having greater clarity and focus, and even gaining insight into your life’s purpose and direction!
Some flower essences may have an immediate effect, and others may have a slower unfolding of the effects over the course of days, or weeks. Any vibration within you that does not match the vibration of the chosen flowers is simply released and replaced with the higher, positive vibration leaving you feeling in balance.
Here at Soul Purpose, we are delighted to offer Flower Essence therapy as part of our many treatments. A session includes a chakra Reading to identify how your chakra energy is flowing and where any imbalance is residing. We then seek to identify the root issues connected to this imbalance and this enables us to create a blend of Flower Essences which is completely unique and personalised to you. I also highly recommended using complementary activities to my clients such as journaling, meditating, using affirmations or free writing whilst taking flower essences to reveal and document insights that may occur.
We also offer a wide range of single Flower Essences and related products to purchase, which are delivered direct to your door. If you would like to find out more or to book a treatment, please visit our website https://www.soulpurposewantage.com/about
Love and light
Sharon x x x