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Flower Power- Energetic Healing with Flower Essences.

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

There is nothing quite so beautiful as seeing and smelling a beautiful flower, whether pottering in your garden, walking amongst nature or receiving a stunning bouquet, flowers can uplift, energise and inspire us. So it comes as no surprise that the use of "flower essences" is again on the rise and becoming a popular tool for Energy Practitioners.

The use of flowers for their subtle yet transformative powers dates back over 3000 years. The ancient Egyptians collected dew from flowers to capture their energetic properties to treat a variety of emotional states. The Chinese have, for centuries, embraced the energetic vibrations of flowers for both physical and emotional well being. However it is the physician Dr Edward Bach, who in the 1930's left his successful medical practice to dedicate his time to studying and creating what we now know as the "38 Flower remedies".

Flower essences are infusions made from the flowering part of a plant. Dr Bach created a process of "sun steeping", or boiling the flowers in water to capture the individual energy imprint of each flower. Flower essences should not be confused with essential oils, as these are created using physical substances extracted from parts, whereas Flower essences contain no physical part of the plant, just its healing vibration.

Each Flower Essence is contains the unique vibrational energy of the plant they came from. This energy is captured within the water during the "steeping" process and is retained as an energetic imprint. The essences work with your bodies own energies, targeting the imbalances to release old patterns and rebalance your whole being. As an example if you are experiencing low self-esteem, the energetic imprint of the Flower essence works to build confidence and self-worth. When you use flower essences, anything that doesn't match the vibration of the chosen essence is simply released.

Flower essences are completely safe and can be used by adults, children and even animals. They contain no fragrance, dye, flavours or preservatives so there is nothing in them you can react negatively too. The only exception to this is that they do contain a very small trace of alcohol which acts as a preservative.

There are many ways you can work with Flower Essences, the most common way is to place a few drops under your tongue several times a day or add drops to your water and drink throughout the day. In addition you can do the following:

- Applying to Chakra points.

- Add to your bath water

-Create a spray or mist for your home.

-Add to massage lotions, moisturisers etc.

- Use in a diffuser.

I have worked with Flower essences for a number of years now and include them in much of my work. In particular, I love incorporating them into my Chakra Balance and Energetic Block treatments. If you would like to know more, please feel free to get in touch. As well as offering them within my treatments, I also supply high quality Flower Essence products for you to use at home.

Love and light

Sharon x x



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