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Exercise!!!!Who me????

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

So let me put this out there before we start, the word "Exercise" simply does not appear in my vocabulary! Sport and me have never mixed, in fact my only sporting achievement ever was winning the Egg and Spoon race when I was 7 and to be honest, I cheated and there were only 3 of us in the race! I've had a gym membership (yes, its true) but I didn't realise that this meant that I actually had to go!!!!! I also suffer from CFS which often means that I am simply too tired to attempt a full on exercise class. I say all of this to hopefully inspire anyone reading this who like me, also has a deep seated dislike of exercise that what I am about to say is not only manageable but enjoyable too (yes I used the word enjoy and exercise in the same paragraph!!!)

Since starting my own journey with the chakra some 10 years ago, I have cultivated my own daily practice which I wanted to share with you. As a busy mum with a full time job and a house to run, I needed something that was simple, effective and most importantly feasible to do each morning. I say morning as for me this is the perfect way to kick start the day but as with everything I talk about, there are no hard and fast rules and the most important thing is consistency, so if evenings work better for you then that's fine too. Although there are a number of elements to this, trust me when I say that the whole thing takes no longer than 5 minutes but its benefits are far reaching.

When I first began with this practice, I worked with one chakra a week for a whole week starting with the Root. Once I had completed a full cycle and then started to work with one chakra a day starting on a Monday with the Root and finishing on Sunday with the Crown. Since then to be honest I work with whatever chakra feels right on that particular day, its really a case of using your intuition. You can develop the practice to work with the lower 3 or upper 3 chakra together and of course if you're feeling really brave you can do a full session with all 7 (although you obviously need a lot more time). Once you have mastered all the basics you can develop it to suit your own needs.

So what does it consist of and what is the purpose? Well, the main point of this is to bring balance to the chakra system and of course clear out anything which may be building up within the chakra that you no longer need. It's about connecting to your inner energy and harnessing it to improve your overall well being and most importantly it makes you feel great! It incorporates all of the following elements, a gentle yoga based position, breathing, Mantras and Mudras and a simple affirmation. You can enhance the practice with the use of essential oils and crystals too.

Now you will have noticed the word "yoga" mentioned and as long as you haven't already run away screaming, let me promise you that the poses I recommend are not those that require you to contort yourself in too a variety of shapes that quite frankly only the bendy 20 somethings can achieve. Each chakra has a Yin Yoga pose which is super easy to follow and whilst initially might get the bones creaking a little, after a few tries are pretty achievable and of course only ever do as much as you can. Why include them? Well its simple really, yoga poses helps us to release blockages and encourage the steady and free flow of energy.

Chakra Mantras are sounds that, when said aloud, activate the energy of the chakras in order to purify and balance the mind and body. When you repeat the mantras, you resonate with the energy of the associated chakra, helping you focus upon your own instinctive awareness of your body and its needs. Mudras are used to direct the flow of energy within the body by using the hands and Chakra Affirmations help raise the energetic vibrations of your subtle body. Powerful stuff hey!

So how do you actually incorporate all of this in practice?

  • Slowly and gently get into the associated yoga pose for the chakra you are going to be focusing on.

  • Bring your hands into the appropriate Mudras and as you do close your eyes and bring your attention to the relevant chakra.

  • Take 3 deep cleansing breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth.

  • On the 4th breath inhale deeply and on the out breath repeat the appropriate Chakra Mantra.

  • Next say the relevant affirmation.

  • Relax and if necessary come out of the yoga pose, centre yourself and then repeat the steps again twice more.

  • When you have completed your 3 rounds, come into a standing pose and ensure that you ground by connecting to the earth.

You can enhance the practice if you wish by having an appropriate crystal with you and if you like to work with essential oils, then a lovely way to do so is to choose an oil appropriate to the chakra you are working with (ensure that you have diluted it appropriately) place a small amount in the palms of your hand, rub your hands together to activate the Palm chakras and as you complete the affirmation each time bring your hands in a cupped position to your nose and inhale deeply.

This is of course the practice that I have developed over the years and of course you can create your own. As I have previously said, its all about consistancy and using your intuition to do whats right for you. I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog. Over the coming weeks I will be sharing on my Facebook page the various poses, mantras and mudras for the chakra so keep checking in.

Love and light

Sharon x x x



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