Our Root chakra is located at the base of our spine and is the chakra responsible for our feelings of connection to the earth and the meeting of our basic needs. When our Root Chakra is balanced we feel safe and secure, grounded, we are healthy and have lots of energy, we are centred and feel confident that we can and do meet all of our basic needs. We are able to be fully present and have a strong connection with ourselves and others. When our Root is balanced, we are able to easily manifest an abundance of everything we need.

When the Root Chakra is blocked there is a disruption in the flow of "Earth energy" which is essential for us to feel grounded. When we are not grounded, we can find ourselves becoming disconnected from ourselves, others and our lives; we fail to take care of our basic needs and lack energy both physically and mentally. We often feel anxious and unsettled but lack the motivation to do anything about it. As well as the emotional signals, we may also experience physical issues such as weight loss, anaemia or constipation.(PLEASE REMEMBER: ANY PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS SHOULD ALWAYS BE ASSESSED BY A QUALIFIED MEDICAL PRACTITIONER)
