Fear! We all know that this is one heck of a powerful emotion! It's an emotion which is deeply rooted in our psyche, often irrational and unfounded, it can be terrifying, debilitating and life affecting. But what if we can be more powerful than our fears?
Fear comes in many shapes and forms, fear of spiders, public speaking, flying, going to the dentist. It may take the form of a more broader scope such as fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of trusting in yourself. Large or small, fears can work their way into our thoughts and behaviours, impacting our lives and potentially preventing us from moving forward. One of the most common forms of fear is the fear of change. We will put up with and accept people and situations that cause us emotional and sometime physical distress rather than attempt to overcome the fear of the unknown. Think about the old saying "Better the Devil you know"......but is it or are we just held in an unsatisfactory state simply because we are too fearful to think about changing it!
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
Franklin. D. Roosevelt
We fear change because we can't anticipate the outcome. As humans we are hardwired to resist uncertainty, our brain prefers a predictable, negative outcome over an uncertain one. One of the ways to conquer this type of fear is a change in perspective. Rather than fearing an uncertain outcome, we need to take a step back and evaluate the situation. Often the fears we have stem from the stories, real or true, that we tell ourselves. We convince ourselves that we have no control over the outcome however, the fact that most outcomes are out of your control doesn’t mean you can’t play a more active role. If you want a different outcome, start by changing the way you think.
So what is it we fear about change? For most of us, there are 3 main issues. The fear of uncertainty and lack of control, the fear of letting go and the fear of failure. If we consider our life as a book, our life story, we can begin to put these fears into perspective. A book consists of many chapters. If a book is to make sense, we need to finish one chapter before we move onto the next and so it is the same with our life story. Often we confuse a chapter in our life with being the whole book. Failure is part of life's rich tapestry and it is often from those things that did not go well that we learn the greatest lessons. When we can accept that if something doesn't go right it simply means that we can go on to create a new story based on a greater knowledge and understanding, we can see failure as a positive. Finally, life is full of twists and turns, having an outline of your story gives you a guide but being prepared to accept and embrace the surprises along the way will mean you create a much more exciting book, simply write one chapter at a time
So should we just throw caution to the wind and start making changes throughout out life? Well I think its only fair to say that I 100% also believe in gut feelings. I have cancelled plans and more based on a feeling, an inner knowing that is very strongly telling me that something is not right for me. And I’ve learned this from experience. I have been burned when I did not listen, and I’ve learned from those lessons too. So, I absolutely believe in following your own gut feelings when warning bells go off.
However, fear is not the same thing. Fear often comes from a different place and is not necessarily a gut feeling. Generally speaking, most fear that we face in today's times comes from the ego and it can block you from living your truest potential - from living the life of your dreams. Dispelling fear of change is a process. It's not usually an overnight fix; it takes time and dedication but the rewards can be amazing!!!
Love and light
Sharon x x x x
Loved reading all of them. Some very useful tips I can use. Especially like the Soul connection one 💜