Ordinarily you may be the sort of person who is untroubled by feelings of stress or anxiety, but in these uncertain times, we are all experiencing an increase in these feelings. Physiologically, what's happening is that our adrenal glands are secreting a hormone that is spreading through our bodies, raising our blood pressure, speeding up our heart rates and causing us to feel "on high alert". This natural reaction is our body's way of providing you with the additional energy you need to protect yourself from any potential danger. However, prolonged periods of stress and anxiety can deplete our body's energy reserves and extreme periods of stress and anxiety may cause more serious issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, migraines and depression. It is therefore important that we manage our anxiety levels as much as possible and crystal work can help.

Energetic crystals can help us to relax and manage our anxiety levels. Their soothing and balancing effects help your body to slow the release of stress hormones, increase your awareness of negative thought patterns and quieten your emotional responses. There are many crystals which aid with anxiety and stress however these are my most popular choices.
Amethyst - relieves tension headaches brought on by stress and anxiety.
Bloodstone - Grounds your body and reduces irritability and impatience.
Clear Quartz - Releases fears and insecurities and calms an overactive mind.
Moonstone - Calms and balances overreactions.
Rose Quartz - Soothes the emotions and helps to slow the release of stress hormones.
Tigers Eye - Helps to reduce any self-criticism and negative thought patterns that may contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.

This quick and simple technique is useful whenever you are feeling anxiety, stress or tension. Place a small dish (I would recommend using a Selenite bowl as this keeps your crystals cleansed and charged, but any dish will do) with a selection of the crystals listed above. Whenever you feel anxious, stressed or tense, reach into the dish and let your intuition guide you to the appropriate crystal for you at that moment.
Taking your chosen crystal, sit or lie down whilst holding the crystal. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and tune into the energy of the crystal. Ideally continue this exercise for up to 15 minutes, however even a few minutes of this will help and if you don't have anytime at all, simply pop the crystal in your pocket and carry it around with you for the remainder of the day. The crystals healing properties will help alleviate the feelings and replenish your energy levels.
Love and Light
Sharon x x x