Awareness is growing about the benefits and necessity of working with our chakras, but chakras are not something that need to be explored and understood exclusively by us Grown ups! Teaching our children about the chakra system is a wonderful way to help them to become aware, understand and communicate the emotions and sensations they experience as they grow and develop as well as how the energy within them and around them can influence both their emotional and physical well being. Chakras are so important to wellness that it makes complete sense to teach our children about them from a very early age. Giving our children the tools to interpret their emotions and physical reactions empowers them. It allows them to better understand themselves, encourages self care and independence and builds trust in their own intuition.
Our chakra system begins its development before we are even born and continues its development throughout our lifetime. Every seven years, we have one dominant chakra for that cycle; for example, the first seven years of our lives relate to the root chakra, then the following seven years (ages 8-14) are tied to the sacral chakra, and so on. Full development of each chakra happens at different stages within a child's life, however it is never too early to start to work on balancing and maintaining healthy chakras.
Full development stages of the chakras in children.
Root - in Utero - 1 year
Sacral - 6 -18 months
Solar - 18months - 3 years
Heart - 4 years - 7 years
Throat - 7 years - 12 years
Third Eye - Adolescence
Crown - 18 years plus.
As Parents, we know our children best. Our unique connection, allows us to easily identify when something is off kilter with our little ones, we instinctively know when something isn't right! For Parents it can help to understand which ailments are connected to which chakras and the support you can offer to help them regain balance. Here are some common issues in children associated with each chakra. As always, if you have any concerns about your child's health or well being, its is always advisable to seek professional medical guidance. Working with Chakras is a complimentary therapy and should never be used instead of seeking medical assistance.
Root - Often fearful and anxious, suffers from frequent constipation or diarrhoea, is under or over weight, frequently complains of aches and pains in their legs and feet, excessively collects or hoards things.
Sacral - Has excessive mood swings, is emotionally sensitive or insensitive, has frequent hip or back issues, has bladder issues, find transition to new activities difficult, is often bored or detached and dislikes routine.
Solar Plexus - aggression towards other children, blames others for mistakes or choices, regularly has more or less energy than children of their own age, is afraid to make mistakes and avoids doing things they don't feel good at, very competitive, suffers from digestive issues.
Heart - Is a people pleaser, prefers to be alone and has difficulty fostering friendships, is often jealous, is overly critical of themselves or others.
Throat - Grinds teeth, tells lots of lies, suffers from frequent sore throats, stutters or speaks with a weak voice or has an excessively loud voice, talks too much or too little, has difficulty expressing themselves, is excessively shy.
Third Eye - Overactive imagination or lack of imagination, suffers from frequent nightmares, has poor vision or other eye issues, suffers from frequent headaches, has difficulty concentrating and has poor memory.
Crown - Lives too much in their head and over intellectualises things, has excessive attachment to people or objects, is closed minded, easily confused or apathetic, lacks a love of learning and curiosity, never questions teachers, parents or other children.
Its really easy to activate your children's chakra, simply get them to focus on the area of the body and the colour and that is all that's needed to encourage the system to start to balance itself.
Root - Red - Bottom of body
Sacral - Orange - Hips
Solar Plexus - Yellow - Belly Button
Heart - Green - Chest
Throat - Blue - Throat
Third Eye - Purple - Forehead
Crown - White - Top of head
Its never too early to teach your children some basic chakra clearing and maintenance rituals and it doesn't have to be complicated, expensive or difficult. Here are just a few examples of things that you can do...
1. Create a sacred space - somewhere special that you and your children can go to work on your chakras. Let your kids help decorate it and choose items to go in it. It doesn't need to be a big space, a corner of a room or even a tray under the bed with a collection of your special things that comes out when you are working on chakras.
2. Meditation - There are literally hundreds of free and paid for resources available on the net to provide you with inspiration for guided meditations for children and of course you can always create your own. As a guide use their age to determine the length of the meditation, one minute for every year of their age. To get you started this is one that use with my own children.
Step 1. Plant your roots! Get your child to stand up tall and talk them through each step.
Plant your toes into the ground and grow your roots right into the middle of the earth. Nice big roots that go down, down, down, into the ground. Nice and strong!
Step 2. Grow your tree! Now stretch your branches (your arms) way up into the sky. Stretch way up to the sun! Now wiggle your leaves (your fingers). And sway in the wind (move your arms from side to side over your head while keeping your ‘roots’ firmly planted.)
Step 3. Fill up your Rainbow!
Next you will be guiding your child to place her hands on each chakra and fill up with that chakra’s colour. Go from crown to root (hips) and slide your hand all the way down your legs.
Fill up the top of your head with purple light. Your forehead with dark blue light. Your throat with light blue light. Your heart with green! Your tummy with yellow light. Under your belly button with orange light. Fill your hips with red light and fill up all the way down your legs right down to your toes.
Step 4. Fill up your Energy Bubble! Guide your child to fill up his aura from feet to above his head. Move your hands in a big arc around your body as you stand up. Finishing with your hands above your head.
Fill up your energy bubble with white light. All the way above your head and all around your body to 100%!
3. Music - Chakra vibrate at certain frequencies and respond to sound at that frequency. Use singing bowls, tuning forks or find chakra music on line. Singing and dancing to music of any kind is great for your kids chakras, so "the wheels on the bus" works just as well!
4. Rainbow wardrobe and diet.- Each of the chakras responds to a certain colour and harnessing the energy of colour is a great way to boost our chakras. Allowing our kids to choose from the rainbow variety of clothes and foods will encourage them to intuitively heal and maintain well being in their chakras.
5. Colouring- Drawing and painting are great ways to express creativity as well as again using the power of colour.