Do you often struggle getting a good nights sleep? Is your mind whirring at a hundred miles an hour? Maybe you feel like you are lacking energy and can't quite seem to get motivated. If so then chances are your chakras are a little clogged. Throughout the day we all collect draining and negative energies and emotional clutter that simply doesn't serve us. Chakra smudging, aids to release and clear this away from our energetic centres.
In case you are totally new to this idea, the practice of smudging is an age old ritual dating back thousands of years to the indigenous Americans, who used it as part of their spiritual practices to call upon the spirits of various sacred plants to drive away negative energy and to restore balance. In more modern times, it has been adopted as a recognised part of many spiritual practices as well as scientific research which has recognised sage's potential as a healing herb. If you would like to learn more about "smudging" in general, check out my Smudging 101 blog
Two Steps for Chakra Smudging
For clearing chakras, use white sage, cedar, juniper, lavender, or a smudge stick containing a combination of the above.
For nourishing chakras after cleansing (to fill them back up with good energy) I use sweetgrass as it is believed that the smoke from the sweetgrass attracts good spirits and positive energies.
Firstly, find a quiet space and take a moment to clear your mind and focus on your breath. Light your first smudge stick for clearing and starting at the soles of your feet work up the right side of your body first, gently wafting the smoke at each chakra point until your reach the top of your head. Then work down the left hand side of your body in the same way. Intuitively repeat this process until you feel that you have cleansed all of the negative energy from your chakras. Whilst you are cleansing, it is helpful to visualise the smoke clearing
away the negative energy and you can also use a positive affirmation such as " I am releasing all negative energies from my body that are not for my highest good".
Once you have completed your cleansing, repeat the exact same process with your Sweetgrass smudge stick, this time visualise the smoke energising and replenishing each of your chakra points. Again use positive affirmations such as " I am replenishing my energy centres, I am energised with positivity".
When to Smudge Chakras?
I smudge my chakras whenever I feel that I’ve picked up ‘heavy’ energy, feel confused, overwhelmed, stuck, or when I’m having trouble sleeping. I try to do this at least once a week but there are no ‘rules’ when using the smoke of aromatic herbs like sage to cleanse your chakras - trust your instincts and do it as often as it feels right for you. Just remember, when you do it, take your time and slowly and mindfully waft the smoke over your body to receive the greatest benefit
Don't forget if you are interested in purchasing Smudge sticks, I have a fabulous range available from my on line shop "The Little Shop of Soul" as well as a host of other gorgeous goodies including Artisan teas, Essential Oils and lots more. Visit https://littleshopofsoul.company.site/
Love and light
Sharon x x