Most people are familiar with the 7 main chakra within our bodies, but there are many more and the High Heart or Thymus Chakra is one of these. Sitting above the heart chakra and below the throat chakra, its function is related to the thymus gland. The thymus is a lymphoid gland that plays a vital role in the production of T cells, which are some of your body's best warriors in the fight against viruses. When your Thymus is activated, open and clear, your immune system is charged and healthier and can help fight off infections and assist you to heal faster if you do fall ill.
Important Note: Before we go any further, the information I provide here is in no way to replace the obviously highly critical medical guidance currently being given in regard to Coronavirus, If you are experiencing any symptoms you should consult a professional medical practitioner and follow all guidelines.
So, firstly how do you find your Thymus chakra, well it is located between your throat chakra in the centre of your throat, and your heart chakra in the middle of your chest. Feel where the two sides of your collar bone meet just below your throat, there is a space or a little dent where you may find the thymus with your fingers—a small rounded spot that is slightly raised. If you can’t feel it, don’t worry! Every body is different, and the size of the thymus changes as you age. Whether you can feel it or not, be assured that your thymus is there and ready to be activated. Although the Heart chakra and Thymus chakra are separate, they work together and the Thymus chakra is the link between the heart and throat chakra.
Working with your High Heart chakra to boost your immune system.

The colour Turquoise ~ This colour stimulates the Thymus chakra and is associated with the immune system. There are many ways to work with this colour, by wearing it either in clothing or jewellery. You can use it when practising meditation either through colour breathing or simply visualising the colour itself.
You can also work with Turquoise stones. Turquoise is a strengthening stone, good for exhaustion, depression, or panic attacks. It enhances physical and psychic immune systems, supporting the assimilation of nutrients, alleviating pollution and viral infections. It is anti-inflammatory and detoxifying. A great way to work with Turquoise is to wear it as jewellery, Turquoise is helpful to the respiratory system and aids in healing lung disorders and allergies. Wearing a Turquoise necklace helps prevent bronchial attacks.

You may also like to create a simple "Gem essence". This can be put into an atomiser bottle and sprayed around a room or poured into your bath. Gem essences have a subtle and gentle healing effect.
The Thymus chakra can also be stimulated through the use of essential oils such as clary sage, eucalyptus, lavender or most effective, Tea tree. Use these essential oils in diffusers, burn incense sticks or cones, you can also purchase specific aroma jewellery diffusers that can be worn on a daily basis.

The Thymus chakra can also be activated through the foods we eat, dark green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin C, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale and spinich are all excellent sources of energy for our Thymus chakra as well as boosting our immune system in general.
My final offering for ways to boost your Immune system is the "Thymus Tap". This simple yet effective exercise is not only a great way to boost your immune system but it can also help to alleviate stress, give you mental clarity and help get your day off to a great start.
I hope you have found these suggestions helpful, please stay safe and take of yourself and each other.
Love and light
Sharon x x x