Like so many people, the Coronavirus outbreak called an impromptu halt to my work and has meant that I am temporarily unable to practice as a Holistic healer. We all understand the importance of staying at home and supporting our incredible NHS, however we are all aware that now more than ever, people are looking for ways in which they can deal with the anxiety and stress we are all experiencing as a result of this enforced isolation. I, like so many of my wonderful Holistic Healer friends, are determined to continue to offer whatever forms of healing and support we can in these uncertain times. One of my most popular therapies is chakra balancing and so today I thought I would share with you a way that you can do a very simple and quick chakra balance at home.
Chakra balancing is a combination treatment where we harness the energies of a variety of sources including colour, sound, crystals and aroma as well as energetic healing. A full Chakra balance treatment lasts around 90 mins and its purpose is to enable me as the therapist to identify where the blockages and stagnant energy are residing and shift and cleanse to bring each of the chakra back into alignment. However, as I always explain to my clients, maintaining your chakras in tip top condition is an ongoing process and developing a regular routine of chakra practices which you undertake yourself is key. As well as being a fantastically relaxing experience, this simple practice will help to keep your chakra energised and flowing.

Chakra Balance at Home Method
This method works with chakra stones, which have been specifically created for the purpose of chakra balancing and meditation practices. You can of course use crystals in the same way, when selecting crystals, use the colour as your guide and select a crystal in a corresponding colour for each of the chakras.
Find a quiet place, where you won't be disturbed for around 15-20 mins. Set the right atmosphere by lighting a candle and using some incense, Lavender is always a good choice! Ideally, you need to be laid flat on your back with a pillow supporting your head. Place each of your chakra stones/ crystals along your body on each of the chakra points. Always start with the Root chakra and work upwards laying the stones in order. You can then either simply have some soothing music on in the background and just relax, allow your mind to quieten and lay for around 15-20mins, allowing the energy of the stones/crystals to fill your chakra, balancing and cleansing or you can use a guided chakra meditation such as the one I have recorded and included below. Once you have finished, don't forget to pick up your stones/crystals again starting from the Root chakra and also remember to cleanse your stones or crystals before putting them away.

If you are interested in a set of Chakra Stones, why not visit our shop, The Chakra Shop. Esoteric Pouch Set includes Chakra Stones. Fengshui Quartz and Geometric Seven Piece featured in Crystal and Black Agate. Featuring the corresponding colours for each chakra and the relevant chakra symbols, these are perfect for chakra balancing and can also be carried with you or used in your chakra meditation practice. Price £25.00 for the set including free postage. Visit https://thechakrashop.company.site/Lrg-Stones-Chakra-Set-oval-shape-p184959106