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Are you the Solution or the Problem?

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

Are you the solution or the problem ? It might sound like a strange question but it is an important one to ask ourselves. Especially if we have reached that point in our journey when we feel that it is time to make a change. However or whenever we arrive at this point and for whatever reason, the most crucial step in creating positive and sustained change within your life is by recognising that firstly it is you and only you who has the power to make it happen and secondly it is you and only you that is standing in your way. So the simple answer to the question is in fact we are both!

Let's start with you being the solution. So often we find ourselves looking externally for the answers to make us happy but the reality is no-one else knows better than you what will bring real joy to your life. There is no-one who knows you better than yourself. When we turn to others for the answers, what we will get is their perceptions, beliefs and ideals and whilst some of these might seem on the surface to be the answer to our problems, the reality is that is all they will be, surface fixes. Why? Because we are all totally unique, amazing individuals and we are all here for very different and specific reasons. Your life purpose will never be the same as someone else's and this is why we should be focused on connecting with and truly understanding our inner self. When we are able to know and support our true authentic self, we are better equipped to make changes that serve our highest good and are empowered to do so.

So with that being said, how are we also the problem? Well, and here is the bit most people don't like to hear, the reality is that if we really wanted to make change, we could but more often that not we choose not do so. When you read that it sounds illogical doesn't it? Why would we choose not to make positive changes in our lives to feel happier and more connected to ourselves? The fact is that there are many and often complex explanations that we hold onto to explain why we feel that we have no choice. Much of this will have accumulated as thoughts and beliefs based on our past experiences. Perhaps we feel that things will never change, maybe we feel that we don't have the tools to make change or maybe we simply feel that this is our lot and we are stuck with it. Whatever the reason, we are choosing to hold ourselves back, to limit what is possible and preventing ourselves from making the changes in our lives which will ultimately makes us feel happier.

And there you have it! You are an incredible powerhouse in your own life, nothing and no-one has the right to make you feel like you don't have a choice. You ALWAYS have a choice! All of the answers you need are within you, you just need to connect to them. The first step towards making change in your life is simply to recognise your power and to remove the limits that you have chosen to place on yourself.

If reading this has struck a chord and you feel that you would benefit from some help to find and connect with your inner self and remove the limiting blocks that have stood in your way to living the life you truly deserve, then my "Empowered You" program would be the perfect stepping stone on your journey to self connection.

This 9 week one to one program, uses a system that I created based on my own experiences and those of the many clients I have worked with over the years, to simply and effectively discover the authentic you. As well as tapping into our internal energy system, the chakras, together we go on a journey to identify and remove the 7 principle blocks that are preventing you from making positive and sustained change in any and every aspect of your life.

During the program we:

- work out what you want to change and why.

- find the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back

- create positive mindset changes.

- discover who you really are through understanding your core beliefs.

-create inspired action to start to introduce change.

- develop a true connection with your authentic self.

For more information, please do visit my website or book a FREE Discovery Call with me to discuss how you might benefit from this program.

Love and Light

Sharon x x



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