Ah Ego! We all have one. That little voice that tells us we can't, we won't, we shouldn't; that brings up emotions like fear, resentment, guilt and shame; that stops us in our tracks and keeps us stuck. But the big question here is.... how are you feeding it?
We all know the importance of connecting with our inner self; of using our intuition to assist us as we navigate the often complicated twists and turns of life. When we talk about connecting with our inner knowing what we are really doing is connecting to our "Soul." Our soul is our true essence, its who we truly are and when we fully connect with it we can better solve problems in our life, clarify what it is we really want and ensure we are moving in the right direction. Our soul is directly connected to the Universe and so any message we receive from our soul is always for our highest good. Our soul enables us to be who really are and who we truly need to be. It represents our truth and allows us to see things as they really are.
Our Ego on the other hand, is governed by our emotions and more often than not negative ones! Our Ego focuses on our fears, anxieties and doubts. The dialogue that comes from our ego is the one that we can't stop thinking about over and over, in a constant loop in our minds. Our ego is defined by the labels we have had or have placed on ourselves, by the limiting beliefs and every negative experience we have had. Ego makes us believe that our worth is dependant on external circumstances and that we have no choice or control over our circumstances.
So as you can see "Ego" can be a tricky little bugger and as sadly it is not something we can simply get rid of, its crucial that we learn how NOT to feed it. The first step as always is awareness. All too often, we are so caught up in our busy lives that we don't even realise when ego is making an appearance. With a little awareness, you will be giving yourself a powerful tool in the battle to control your ego....CHOICE. The choice to continue to feed the bottomless pit that is your ego or to mindfully nurture your beautiful soul. Take a look at this list and truthfully ask yourself are you feeding your soul or your ego?
1. Responsibility vs Blame - It's all too easy for our Ego to apportion blame; to hold everyone else accountable for the things that go wrong in our life. But when we do this, we are simply giving up our power, we are saying that we have no choice Our Soul encourages us to take responsibility to enable us to learn from mistakes, to strengthen our character and to take control for our own path.
2. Survivor vs Victim - Our Ego wants us to remain in the victim role, to be held back by the negative experiences that have occurred in our life. Our Soul however wants us to see ourselves as a survivor, to recognise and celebrate that despite the difficulties we have endured, we continue to move forward in our life.
3.Forgiveness vs Resentment - Our soul knows that forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves. It releases us from the pain of past experiences and allows us to move on. Resentment is how ego keeps us trapped in the past, it means that we will continue to experience the pain and impact our future relationships.
4. Gratitude vs entitlement -When you are connected to your soul, you are connecting with gratitude in every aspect of your life. You appreciate all that you have without the need to focus on what you don't. When we connect with Ego, we experience feelings of dissatisfaction with what we have, craving more and feeling that we should have it.
5. Compliment vs Criticise - A happy soul is full of love and positive energy. Compliments are easy to give and receive. The Ego however is not so graceful. The Ego is more focused on criticism and often puts others down to make itself feel better.
6. Positivity vs negativity - When we connect to our soul, it is easy to find the positive in almost any situation. We strive to remain at a high vibe. The Ego however craves negativity, even when there is no need. Our Ego survives on low vibration in fact the lower our vibration the stronger our Ego becomes.
There are of course many more triggers between feeding your soul verses feeding your ego, but for me these are the top 6 and a really good place to start! So show your Ego who is boss and stop feeding it today.
Love and light