A few days ago, I was having a beautiful conversation with a lovely lady, when she asked me what it was that I did. As I explained, she asked "So are you a healer?" When I answered "No" she looked a little surprised.
It occurred to me that this is a very common misconception. I have always been very open about my healing journey and the fact that I acknowledge that it's something that will probably continue throughout my life. When I began Soul Purpose, my aim was always to create something that supported people in their healing journey, sharing my own experiences and focusing on empowering them to heal themselves.
This continues to be my mission. Recognising that we have the power to heal ourselves is probably one of the most empowering lessons that I have learnt. At a time in my life, when I felt that I had lost control, had no idea how to lift myself out of the situation and felt that I was reliant on others to "fix" me, this really was a revelation. Being taught to listen to my body, to have faith and trust and to surrender to the process was life changing and it was this that brought me to where I am today, happy, healthy and loving myself and my life. I'm not saying its easy, nor is it ever a completed project but it can be done and everyone has the power to do it!
I share this only as my perspective but it is something that I firmly believe. My role is not to offer quick fix solutions or prescriptive instructions but simply to share, support and offer guidance. I liken it to baking a cake. When you start you have a recipe, something that has been written by someone else who has tried and tested the method, made the mistakes, learnt from them and then created something which works for them. But the recipe is just the foundation, its a starting point. Its up to you to what happens next, if you don't buy the ingredients, prepare everything and take the inspired action to actually make the cake. then all you have is a recipe and you will never know if your cake would have been a success.
For me its the same with healing. My job is to provide a starting point, sharing tried and tested methods, hold space and support and encourage, but I cannot heal you. Healing comes from within, it comes from a place of recognising that you need to heal, a willingness to want to make change and an openness to embrace the journey.
So often I hear that people have tried a variety of holistic healing methods and that whilst they have left the session feeling relaxed and rejuvenated and with an understanding of the work to be done, they quickly find themselves back where they started with the same problems and challenges. The reality is that if you hoping that someone else can make the changes needed in your life, you are more often than not going to be disappointed. As I regularly explain to my clients that come to me for a Chakra Balance, you will of course leave feeling wonderfully calm and connected but without you continuing to do the work, making positive change and taking inspired action, very quickly you will be right back where you started.
Healing is not a quick fix nor can it be achieved by someone else on your behalf. There are many amazing practitioners out there that can assist and support you on your journey, but it is just that, YOUR journey and you have to be prepared to put the work in. Its a state of mind, a life choice and it takes real work. There are no shortcuts and it's not always a bed of roses but the benefits are out of this world.
So to go back to the original question, "Am I healer?", my answer is still very much no, but YOU are! It may be that you are not sure where to start, it may be that you just haven't found the right method, but just by the fact that you are recognising and ready to start your journey, you are already on the right path.
Having read all of this, you might be wondering what it is exactly that I can do to help? If so then please do check out my website where you can read more about my story as well as finding information about the various services I offer. For me every client is unique and so I am always happy to have a chat and tailor something individual to suit your particular needs. To get you started below is a quick summary of some of the things I offer. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to working with you in the future.
Love and light
Sharon x x