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Add a little bit of Sparkle to your day.

Writer: soulpurposewantagesoulpurposewantage

How to create a Crystal Elixir.

We all know about the incredible energetic powers of crystals and this is a simple way that you can create a simple vibrational mix to add a little bit of crystal magic to your day.

A Crystal Elixir is quite simply water which during the infusion process becomes attuned with the specific vibration of the crystals you choose. When you drink this mix, you absorb these powerful energies into your system.

A word of caution before we start: There are many crystals which work perfectly in water, however there are also many which can be adversely effected by water and even more importantly can be HIGHLY toxic. Many practitioners will advise to place crystals directly in the water for the infusing process, however if you wish to do this, you MUST do your research first and check that the crystal is not harmful. For this reason, I only ever use the indirect method described below. It is just as powerful and avoids the crystals ever coming into direct contact with the water.

So now we have the safety bit out of the way, lets get on and talk about the steps to create your elixir.

Step 1: Choose your crystals.

Select crystals based on what your intention is. Think about what you want to achieve. For this particular example, I chose Rose Quartz (for self love) and Clear Quartz ( for intention). I tend to add Clear Quartz to all of my elixirs as this is a master healing crystal as well as amplifying the energies of the other crystal I have chosen.

Step 2:

Cleanse your crystals in which ever way you prefer: visualising, smudging etc. Then place your chosen crystals into a clean, clear jar. I use a small jam jar. This is how you prevent the crystals from coming into direct contact with the water, whilst allowing the water to absorb the energies of the crystals.

Step 3: Fill a clear bowl with Spring water. I use a clear mixing bowl for this. Then place your jam jar containing your chosen crystals into the water, making sure that the water does not overflow into the jam jar.

Step 4:

Now for the good bit.....Place your bowl with the jam jar and crystals on a window sill, ideally in full sunlight for 24 hours. You can also place outside but I would advise you to cover the top of the bowl to prevent anything from getting into the water! The solar energy will help with the process of releasing the vibrational qualities of the chakras and enabling the water to absorb them. You can also achieve the same process using moonlight.

Step 5:

Decant your crystal infused water into a bottle and it's ready to drink. Pop your bottle in the fridge and it will be fine for 1 -2 days. Drink throughout the day and you can also add some to your bath water for an additional boost. Don't forget to cleanse and re energise your crystals afterwards so that they are ready for the next time you want to create a crystal elixir.

Here are my go to crystals for creating Elixirs.

Clear Quartz Master Healer Crown / All

Black Tourmaline Emotional Trauma Root

Rose Quartz Universal Love Heart

Blue Agate Communication Throat

Amethyst Calming and Protective Crown / Third Eye

Carnelian Energy and Motivation Sacral

Tigers Eye Self Confidence Solar Plexus

Chrysocolla Emotional Baggage Throat.



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