We all recognise that everything is energy. As vibrant beings we operate on a certain frequency and every vibration equates to either a positive or negative emotion. When we can understand how these vibrations work we are empowered to raise our vibration to increase our overall health and well being, mind, body and spirit. Here are 7 ways to achieve this.

Thoughts, Every thought we have emits a frequency to the universe. This frequency is then reflected back to you. Therefore if you have negative thoughts filled with anger, fear, sadness this will be reflected back to you. This is why it is so important that you take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn how to cultivate more positive thoughts.

The people around you directly influence your vibrational frequency. If you surround yourself with happy, positive and determined people, you will also enter this vibration. But, if you surround yourself with people who are negative complaining, gossiping and pessimistic, they can reduce your frequency and potentially even drain your energy supplies.

Music has a very powerful vibration. If you only listen to music that talks about death, betrayal, sadness, abandonment, this will interfere with your vibration and affect how you are feeling. On the flip side of course, listening to uplifting, happy, cheerful and positive music will raise your vibration. Pay attention not only to the lyrics, but the beat and tone too, ensure the music that you listen too reflects the vibration you want to achieve.

Everything we read and watch can affect our frequency. From Social Media, books, Tv and more what we see, hear and read can become our internal reality and as a result release a whole chemistry into your body, which affects your vibrational frequency. Monitoring and managing what and the amount that we absorb is an important way to keep our vibration high.

Whether it's at home or at work, if you spend a lot of time in a messy and dirty environment, it will also affect your vibration frequency. Improve what surrounds you, organise and clean your environment. Show the universe that you are ready to receive much more. Take care of what you already have!

As with our thoughts, our words have vibration too. If you speak harshly, unkindly, untruthfully or critically of ourselves or others, it affects your vibration frequency. To keep your frequency high, it is essential to eliminate the habit of complaining and bad talking about others. So avoid drama and bullying. Assume your responsibility for the choices of your life!

Gratitude positively affects your vibration frequency. This is a habit you should try to integrate into your life. Start to thank for everything, for the good things and what you consider to be bad, thank you for all the experiences you've experienced. Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.