I want to start off this post by declaring that I am without doubt, a crystal fan. I absolutely love them and they are and always will be an important part of my life as well as a crucial role in the work that do. I tell you this now, because what I am about to say might come as a bit of a surprise to you.
If you are already well submerged into the glorious world of crystals then this might come as a bit of a shock but.......not everyone gets them! In fact some people will go as far as to say that they are nothing more than "pretty stones"! Now if you haven't keeled over in shock at this revelation, then brace yourself. You see I sort of agree!!! (told you, you would be shocked!) But before you throw your hands up in the air and delete me from your social media, let me explain.
I'm going to start at the beginning of the story and what prompted me to write this post. Recently I was approached by a lovely lady for some advice. She began her journey around a year ago and was pointed in the direction of crystals as a good place to start. Well, needless to say, having realised the incredible array of crystals so readily available, she duly began to amass her collection. Initially she did exactly the right things, she got herself some crystal books and began to read about all of their incredible powers, she started purchasing crystals based on their properties and healing powers and how they would help her. Her collection grew and she attended courses and learnt how to cleanse and care for them, she visited reputable crystal sellers and her collection continued to grow.
You might be wondering what could possibly be wrong here. So let me move to the end of the story and the point she came to me. You see after a year, this lovely lady had become disillusioned, she felt let down by her crystals and was lamenting the amount of money she had spent trying to fix her problems. After she had explained the issue, my first question was to ask her what "self work" she had done. She looked at my quizzically and reiterated all of the crystals she had purchased.
You see for me, there in lay the problem. This lovely lady had purchased her crystals believing that by simply having a huge collection of them, they would in someway miraculously solve her problems. When one had failed to provide the help she was seeking, she had simply bought another one, hoping that this time it would work. But there was something crucial missing......Intention and Empowered Action.
Crystals, just like so many spiritual tools are just that, tools. They are there to support you. So what is the magic ingredient ? The answer is simple....it's YOU!. We cannot use these tools as crutches or a quick fix. Unfortunately, there are no short cuts, we have to do the self work. We have to be prepared to take a long hard look at ourselves and identify the blocks that we have in our energy and the limiting beliefs that we hold. We need to work on self care and self love as well as positive mindset and empowerment. Crystals of course can support us with all of this and more but they can't do the work for us.
If we want to harness the incredible energy of these powerhouses, we have to start with some basics:
Clarity - Get clear on what you actually want to achieve. After all if you haven't got a clue what you are trying to achieve your crystal has no hope. It is vitally important to spend the time examining what you want to bring more of or of course less of into your life and to really understand why. For example, simply saying "I want to be happy" is way to open to interpretation. You need to think about what would make you truly happy and focus your efforts on achieving that.
Intention - This is a really critical step when working with crystals. It is not enough to just want it to work with you, you have to set and commit to a strong intention. By understanding what you actually want to achieve (see step 1), you then have to begin the process of alignment. This means that your thoughts and your words need to mirror what you are aiming for. You have to truly believe that you can achieve it.
Empowered action - Simply buying the crystal isn't enough and even if you have managed to get step 1 and 2 sorted, there is still more to do. The energy of your chosen crystal will support you, but you need to take the action. If you want to experience change, you have to create it! Just as I talked about aligning your thoughts and words, your actions need to be in alignment as well. This where you need to do that all important inner work and keep doing it.
Crystals are indeed awesome! You are of course free to fill your home with as many as you like but if you want to actually achieve results with them, then the reality is all you need to do is find the right one and then get ready to do the work. Crystals alone are not and will never be the answer to your problems, the power is within you.
Love and light
Sharon x x