Chakra Balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channelling energy into the seven chakras. When we talk about treating chakras we are referring to treating your energetic body. The body is not only made up of the physical body, we have an energy that extends beyond our physical wellbeing.
Our chakras bring in and emit energy which flows in our day to day lives. Each chakra relates to a different part of our life and being. In time of difficulty or change the energy can stop flowing freely and cause the Charka(s) to become blocked or imbalanced. These blockages can manifest in many ways. For example, the throat chakra is strongly linked to communication, if you are in a relationship where you are not able to say how you truly feel you may lose your voice physically.
A Chakra balance aims to identify any possible blockages and then using a combination of crystals, essential oils, sound, colour and energetic techniques release the blockages and promote a free flow of energy to restore balance and a sense of wellbeing. By balancing your Chakras you may be able to:
1. Remain calm within your everyday life
2. See challenges for what they are, and not be as affected by them.
3. Let go of past trauma.
4. Help others without their problems affecting you.
5. Develop confidence, energy, freedom and happiness to feel good about yourself and life every day.
This wonderfully relaxing session will not only bring you some inner calm and peace but also restore the balance within your chakras. Using a combination of energetic touch, crystals, colour, sound and essential oils, I will treat your chakras to an energetic pampering that will leave you and them feeling simply amazing.