Everything is energy and that includes sound. Whether its Mozart or Motown, Country or Classic, music affects us in many ways. A song can make us feel joyous and upbeat or sad and reflective. We feel good when we dance and familiar sounds can bring back long forgotten memories. Music can move us, calm us and bring us healing. As a Chakra Practitioner, I understand the incredible benefits that sound has for our Chakra system, which is why I chose to incorporate it into my treatments. There are many forms of Sound therapy, using a variety of instruments from Gongs to Tuning Forks, Bells, Chimes and of course Singing bowls. Sound has been used as a healing or calming tool for thousands of years. Himalayan singing bowls have been used throughout Asia for thousands of years in prayer and meditation, and are now used to promote relaxation and well being.
Tibetan singing bowls are a type of bell that vibrate and produce a rich, deep tone when played. Tibetan singing bowls can be used for many purposes, including stress reduction and pain relief. The bowls can also be used in combination with other healing practices, such as meditation. The singing bowls work perfectly with the Chakras as each bowl emits a vibration that resonates with the corresponding Chakra naturally causing the Chakras to balance.
Want to experience the sound of the singing bowls? Click HERE for a 7 minute taster session
Singing Bowls are so incredibly healing for us as they create something which in the musical world is called "Entrainment". Entrainment occurs when one object which is vibrating at a higher frequency ( i.e the singing bowl) is placed close to another object vibrating at a lower frequency ( i.e. our body). After a while the object vibrating at the lower frequency will start to vibrate at the higher frequency. When our Chakras are blocked or unbalanced, they vibrate at a lower frequency than their optimal level and so when we utilise the healing sound of the Singing Bowls we can raise the vibration and restore the natural balance.
I offer sound healing as part of my Chakra Balancing treatment or as a standalone service. To book, click here.