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Living Intuitively is not a mind set, its a feeling in your heart. It's the connection you make to your body - inside and out and the act of listening to the voice inside you. When we take the time to quieten our mind, listen to our inner knowing and "feel" rather than "think", the more we connect with our "real" self, step into the present moment and live a life that is truly right for ourselves.

Welcome to an Intuitive Life. 


My focus is and has always been on encouraging people to reconnect with their bodies. To understand the importance of the relationship they have with themselves, to love and accept themselves and to feel empowered to express their true authentic selves.  I absolutely believe that you have to start there, but and this is a big but, once you have mastered that then reflecting the inner you on the outside is just as important.

"The most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself"
"A women who knows herself always knows her style"


If we are to truly connect with the incredible vessel that is our body, then the clothes that we choose to wear are just as important in that process. It has nothing to do with following trends, pleasing other people or creating an armour to protect you. Clothes are a way that we can express ourselves and celebrate the unique amazing individuals we are, loudly, proudly and unashamedly.

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