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So what do you expect from an Oracle Card reading? Do you have visions of a gypsy woman telling you that you are going to meet the man of your dreams whilst buying your milk in Sainsburys? A card reading is not about fortune telling, predicting the future or telling you what to do. In fact, these readings should only ever be providing additional insight into your life so you can feel inspired to take control and create the life you love. In most cases, they are there to provide confirmation of what you already feel is right for you. Oracle readings are designed to help you feel confident to move forward, to make change where you feel it is right and connect you with your own intuition, without fear or doubt. They offer guidance to help you achieve your goals by helping you gain a better sense of self.
My Oracle card readings are based in the present. Naturally by focusing on what patterns and lessons are affecting you now, we can also find patterns and lessons that will empower you to impact on your future. Think of it like looking at your bank statements. If you look at how you are spending your money now, you can see where things might be going in the future. More importantly, with this information, you can adjust or change your habits in the present to improve or change your future outcomes.
Why Oracle, not Tarot ?
For me it's personal preference. Tarot cards feel more rigid and prescriptive, whereas Oracle Cards have a more gentle energy, offering guidance and insight. When I work with Oracle cards, I am simply channelling the messages that Universe wants to share with you based on the questions we pose.
What to expect?
At the start of the session, we will have a discussion about which area of your life you want to focus on during the reading. In order to get the best out of your reading, it's important that we are as clear as possible regarding what you want to gain insight on. Generally, I suggest that you choose one specific aspect for example relationships, finances, career, environment, emotional, spiritual.
Oracle cards do not operate on "Yes" or "No" answers. The reason for this is that asking these sort of questions work on the basis of you seemingly not knowing what to do, and trust me, YOU DO! You are asking externally for the answer instead of guidance to enable you to make decisions. Questions like " Should I leave my job" or "Is this the right choice for me", are not useful as they require an instruction rather than an option for you to consider and are hugely disempowering. Some examples of great questions to ask are....
What am I not seeing about my situation right now?
What is keeping me from moving forward?
How am I getting in my own way?
What can I focus on ?
What is my lesson in this situation?
What do I need most right now?
What do I need to know most right now?
How can I move forward in the best way possible?
What could stand in the way of my success with this?
What could help me achieve this quicker?
What am I afraid of when it comes to money?
What would help me get the promotion I want?
What am I not seeing about my current situation?
What will help me achieve my goals?
What do I need to focus on to make the best possible decision?
What if I moved in this different direction?
How can I be more of who I really am?
What fear do I need to release right now?
What is my biggest block to success right now?
It's a collaboration! Often when people come to a reading, they can be very reluctant to share information. An Oracle card reading is not about me proving my psychic abilities, I am simply there to channel the messages and to help you to decipher the information provided, The more we work together, the more productive our session will be, so expect me to ask questions! This will enable me to guide you as to what questions we need to ask the cards and to give you more clarity on the responses.
A fresh perspective! Come with an open mind and don’t assume that a reading will give you all the answers. A card reading helps shed light on your situation. They help give you clarity and a new way to approach things but they don’t tell you what you need to do. That comes down to you and how you choose to work with the guidance you have been given!
If having read this, you feel drawn to book a session, or if you have any questions, then I would love to hear from you